Portfolio Projects
Online code-editor is a tool that resides on a remote server and is accessible via browsers. Some online code editors have basic features like syntax highlighting or code completion more similar to text editors while others are like completeIDEs.
For any developer, be it amateur or professional, often the liberty of using a local code editor may be unavailable. As online code-editors are fast, efficient and greatly popular, it is a familiar tool among developers. If you have used one, ever wondered how it can be made? This module will guide you through the process that can be followed to build your own code-editor for HTML, CSS, JS code snippets. Implementing the project will add an immense value to your profile.
This project is a good start for beginners, a new idea for intermediates and a refreshing hobby project for professionals. It involves the basic use of all of HTML, CSS and React languages. Reason for following t
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WhatsApp Web Clone
We all have used WhatsApp web on our PCs. Ever thought of making it yourself? The interface that we will be making for our project will look alike. Firebase real time database will give you seamless messaging feature.
Sheetal Singh
Kiran Suresh
,Ayush Kumar Shaw
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