About Me
Proficient Developer with over 4+ years of AEM experience. Experience in AEM Content authoring, Creating Experience Fragments, Adaptive Forms and Adaptive Fragments. Have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Passionate about learning and gro...
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Portfolio Projects
- Creating the site pages and content authoring as perthe existing site pages.
- Creating live copies,Experience Fragments &uploading assets to the DAM, Publishing the content.
- Publishing the Pages and moving the content and codeto the Stage and Prodenvironments.
- Handling the defects and supporting during and afterthe deployments.
- MigratingtheclientlibcategoriesandthemefromAeroto AeroBt.
- Creating the Form pagetemplate.
- Creating adaptive forms and adaptivefragments.
- Writing rules on the formsfields
- Writingsubmitmethodtosubmittheformdatatothebackend throughAPI.
- Creating the Form page and configuring the formpath
- Publishing the Pages and moving the contentandcode to the Stage and Prodenvironments.
- Handling the defects and supporting during andafter thedeployments.
- Gathering the requirements and analysing thecopydecks.
- Creating the site pages and content authoring as perthe copydecks.
- Creating live copies, uploading assets to theDAM, Publishing thecontent.
- Handing i18nrequirements.
- Publishing the Pages and moving the content and codeto the Stage and Prodenvironments.
- Handling the defects and supporting during and afterthe deployments.