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Looking towards a challenging career in a growth oriented organization of repute in its field and an environment where my technical skills and love of learning can be leveraged in the best possible way to enhance my knowledge, skills and abilities....
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Portfolio Projects
WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Product RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) allows
you to setup a system for customers to request a return easily. With the help of this module, the
customer can return the products, have them replaced or refunded within the specified time
limit. The seller can add RMA reasons and shipping labels as well for the customer.
It provides store owners to have the functionality, where they can easily manage their online
stores along with the physical stores.
The physical stores will have a Point Of Sale front-end management system. In order to divide
the effort, the admin can assign a store agent. Thus, these store agents can easily manage the
sales and customers at that particular store.
The Word Press Woo Commerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Plugin explicitly developed to switch
your Woo Commerce website into a multivendor platform that having multiple sellers with a
separate profile. It gives sellers the functionality of adding products and order management from
the seller panel.
WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Product RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) allows you to setup a system for customers to request a return easily. With the help of this module, the customer can return the products, have them replaced or refunded within the specified time limit. The seller can add RMA reasons and shipping labels as well for the customer.
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