About Me
SRE with strong team spirit, I like to build projects, automate procedures, ensure the best use of resources and quality Fullstack developer when it comes to applications that helps infrastructure and monitoring
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Web Development
Programming Language
Development Tools
Data & Analytics
Operating System
Mobile Apps
Software Engineering
Software Testing
Portfolio Projects
Terraform projects
DevOps Engineer
- ECS Fargate with TF
This project is a Fargate cluster built for AWS using Terraform as Infra as Code.
The project has 3 layers of information. The first is the layer where all infrastructure is defined (VPC, networks, security, etc). The second layer is where we define the platform, we work with the cluster, the domain, etc. The third layer is about the aplication, where we define the task definition, fargate aplication and everything related with an app.
- GKE environment
This project is for a GKE cluster providing the essential stuff like networking, machines and roles. As a bonus, there is the GCR config for application image.
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AWS environment
DevOps Engineer
Infrastructure configuration in AWS using Terraform for a simple API deployed with kubernetes
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AWS Kubernetes Kubernetes HELM Node.Js