Portfolio Projects
This is web application made in ASP.NET for providing interface to Employee and Providers ofLawFirms. Operational team from LawSpades take care of entering case and case related datasuch as Bills, Denials and Payments in the application. Also client is able to enter informationfrom his end.There are various features provided by the application such as case creation, Event addition,Reporting.
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This is web application made in ASP.NET for providing interface to Employee and Providers ofLawFirms. Operational team from LawSpades take care of entering case and case related datasuch as Bills, Denials and Payments in the application. Also client is able to enter informationfrom his end.There are various features provided by the application such as case creation, Event addition,Reporting.
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This the application developed by me to read the emails from client account and process itto save it in RFA Application. It will look for CaseId(File No) or Index No(when case goes forlitigation)And by reading those it will save under related case in application. Once the processing ofthe emails is done it will trigger email to operational team to inform them about the activity.
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This is web application made in ASP.NET MVC for providing interface to employees anddistributorsOf Hamilton so can raise the primary order and secondary sales order for various Hamiltonproducts.Distributor has been provided access to both web and device application. There are variousfeatures provided for employees and distributors. I worked as developer for this project.
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Use of access queries, Excel macros, windows controls, communicate with client andgathering requirements. Developed using VB.Net with backend as Microsoft AccessIts an application that will be used to export Loreal Products to different countries. ThisApplication takes inputs as Stock, Dispatch and Requirement, and considering all these itdecides distribution plan for export. It also generates Some MIS Reports after Stockdistribution plan.
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Use of SQL Stored Procedures, User defined functions, views, Gridview, Ajax controls-autocompleteextender, Excel Export, JavaScript, Html, and CSS.Developed using Asp.Net with programming language C#. Net with backend as Sql Server2000Its application that will be used to keep track of Orders Placed from Godrej Branches to HeadOffice (Supply Chain Management). It provides Sale Reports, Purchase Reports. There isfacility provided to Import Reports to Excel and Get Data from Godrej Database to ourDatabase.The Modules are: Master, Sales Reports and Purchase reports.
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Use of access queries, Use of datagrid, Excel reports.Developed using VB.Net and backend as MS Access for Thermax.Its application that will be used to manage Production and Sales Management of Items likeBoiler, Chiller. There is facility provided for production and distribution plan of items.The Modules are: Data, Inputs, and reports.
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