About Me
- I have 8.5+ years of SAP ABAP experience with 3 end to end SAP Implementations along with SAP HCM roll out.
- Currently working with HCL AXON Technologies as a Senior Consultant and involved in a project for (ABB Limited) ...
- I have worked in RICEFW (Report, Interface, Conversion, Enhancement, Form, Webdynpro) with almost all modules like MM, SD, FI, PP, QM, PS, SRM and HCM.
- I had involved in SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) Roll out & Support project as a Webdynpro and ABAP HR resource in Cap Gemini.
- I had also worked with SAP SRM 4.0 standalone (Supplier Relationship Management) as ABAP Consultant in Capgemini.
Portfolio Projects
- Roll out for ABB Indonesia, Egypt and Dubai.
- Developed reports for sales order migration from one sales organization to another new
Sales Organization without any manual interruption.
- Sales order editable ALV reports for user input.
- Other bug fixing in major and complex reports.
- Purchase order creation program through BAPI.
- Material Master creation program.
- New Smartforms for MM module.
- Sales User exit enhancement.
- Project Cash Flow Implementation in FI module for India, Singapore, Dubai & South
HCM Module:
We are in SAP system upgradation from EHP5 to EHP 8 parallel and previously E-separation process was running in JAVA Webdynpro after upgrading to EHP8, Java webdynpro has been obsolete and no more in use. So we are designing the whole e-separation process in ABAP Webdynpro.
- Involved in configuration for process designing of E-separation from SIMGH T-code.
- Designed FPM (GAF) Webdynpro application for E-exit form. Employee will fill that form for final exit interview.
- Standard Webdynpro components Enhancement (Overwrite Exit) for E-separation where field enabling and notice period calculation etc. involved.
- Standard Workflow (WS77900165, WS77900169) copied and changed according to our requirements.
- Created new function modules and assigned into e-separation configuration for fetching the current manager, Vice president and identifying the correct HR personal according to relation maintained in the system.
SPAU and SPDD activities (System Upgrade from EHP5 to EHP8).
- Involved in EHP 8 upgradation project where we are upgrading the SAP system from EHP5 to EHP 8. I am a part of core team member who are responsible for upgradation.
- SAP Notes implementation and adjustment of enhancement.
- Responsible for resolving any issue while upgradation of system and prepare for the bug fixing.
Modules worked: PM, PA, OM, ECM, ESS/MSS
- Composite report downloading component without FPM.
- New Component for Talent management links (link to URL) launches other application.
- OTR text Creation for different languages.
- New Component created for ECM module to show annual salary and variable Compensation award from Info type IT0008 in table view.
- OADP (Object and Data Provider) Configuration and implementation for MSS Team Viewer
For every new column Function module has been created to fetch required data.
- Copying the Standard OVP FPM component configuration and personalizing according to our requirement with Z Configuration.
- Appraisal Forms enhancements for
- In Webdynpro mostly we did the enhancements and used SAP standard screen and templates.
- Managers Dashboard enhancement.
- Refresh header data.
- Talent Profile Enhancements.
- Enhancement of Manager Dashboard (Managers (Performance Reviewers, Assignment Managers, General Feedback Providers) can use the Manager Performance Management Dashboard in the portal).
- On the non-VP and VP annual review there are 5 fields already created for appraise to enter up to 5 individual objectives. This enhancement will allow appraisees to add 13 additional individual objectives (for up to a total of 18 objectives), used BADI to achieve this functionality.
FPM (Floor Plan Manager) Forms:
- Created FPM (Floor Plan Manager) HR Forms.
- Form- Create Additional Payment.
- Form- Termination.
- Form- Retirement.
- Form- Change in Pay CANADA.
ESS-MSS (Launch pad Configuration):
- Basic Configuration knowledge about LPD_CUST
- New Folder and New Application creation etc.
- Link and application assignment configuration.
- Role assignment with application alias ( Implemented BADI )
- Quick Link and Emphasizing the Link.
- Link and Folder sequence change through administrator mode in WD.
- Copying standard component configuration and making it Z Configuration according to requirement.
- Custom Info type creation through PM01
- Calibration Report - Shows how employees performed in terms of provisional information and ratings, and promotion eligibility (Yes/No) and will show the calibrated ratings as well, if these are entered.
- KPI Reports - Download objectives across multiple appraisal templates into excel.
- Security Programs (Assigning roles and Structural Authorization).
- Monitoring Report.
- Person and Qualifications Report.
- Mass upload of Personnel file.
- Transfer the payroll data from SAP to ADP through FTP.
- Automated interface to send HR data to ADP US.
- Outbound Interface ADPACACompliance:CustominterfacetoprovideHRdatafromSAPto
ADPSFTPforHealthCompliance - To transmit employee and Cost Rate data to GFS in order to keep the GFS employee database up to date.
- Interface is required to send data entered in SAP to be stored in ADP HWSE.
- Financial KPI Upload.
- Calibration Rating Upload.
- Comments upload.
- Qualification Upload.
- Pre defined objective upload.
- Migrated SAP HCM PM module to UI5 frontend.
- Involved inOData Net Weaver Gateway Services
- Worked onODatawith different classes and methods to develop services.
- Reports, forms, interface, Enhancements mainly for QM, PP, MM, SD Module.
Quality Management (QM):
- TC forms for QM Module and Quality reports.
- Interface: Getting data from XI/PI is working middleware between SAP and third party software and uploading data into QE01 through BAPI, Usage Decision update in QA11 through BAPI, Production Order Creation (CO01) in case of rework and New Inspection Lot Creation (QA01) if required.
- Enhancements:
- User Exit: At the time of Usage Decision of Inspection lot in QA11 copy UD Code and update into respective Batch Characteristic (S_UD_CODE) associated with lot no.
- Module Pool: Third Party Inspection ( customer wants before dispatching material that should be tested by their third party inspector after giving their result material should dispatch ).
- Module Pool: Combination of six reports getting output from one screen and sending Email automatic from backend with job.
Material Management (MM):
- Forms: JSW Purchase Requisition Print form for all Plants in MM Module.
- Reports in ALV and SALV.
Production Planning (PP):
- Mainly worked for DPR (Daily Production Reports) Reports.
- E-Mail Programs for Daily Production.
Sales and Distribution (SD):
- Sales order to Sales order stock transfer program with interface.
- Reports and BDC :
- ALV Reports for MM and FI module.
- Many Email alert Programs (e.g. - Vendor Payment greater than 10 Lkhs )
- Data uploading from legacy system to SAP system through BDC Programming for MM, FI module.
- Forms:
- Purchase Order Print program and defined in NACE for ME53N transaction (Smartforms).
- Purchase Requisition print program (Smartforms).
- Voucher print program for FI Module (Smartforms).
- Enhancement:
- At the time of Vendor Creation in FK01, PAN number should be mandatory in CIN Detail under withholding tax Tab.
- In Service PO creation T-code ME51N, Material group validation for Header( Item Overview) and Service No( Item details) group should be same otherwise restrict user to create Service PO.
User Exits:
- Dynamic Number range according to Company Code and Purchasing Document Type in
Purchase Order creation.
Module Pool:
- Module Pool program for Gate Entry Pass.
- Changed shipping output print format in defined in NACE for T-code VT03N.
- Maintaining some important programs used for reporting purpose.
- Very Successful Module Pool program for International Sales related problem.
- Reports for Sales forecasting with their brands.
- Very Successful Web Services for Brand Wise Sales with .net.
- Natrol Brands wise reports in ALV Grid.
- Data uploading from legacy system to SAP system through BDC Programming.
- MM, SD and FI related print output program through SMARTFORMS and SAP SCRIPT.
- BADI and USEREXIT for MM, SD and PS module.
- Management related SD, MM, FI reports in ALV GRID.
- Module Pool program for Tender Analysis in Sales module.
- Voucher print program through write statement.
- Used SQVI and LSMW for some end-user requirement for reporting and uploading.
- Time sheet entry for end-user through BAPI program in HR module.
- Made Reports for HR module.
- Project system (PS) related complicated reports designed for status of projects in ALV GRID
- Created Purchase Orders reports to download all the PO’s in application server.
- Vendor details Report to download all vendor’s details to application server.
- Address details of Company.
- Migration of Financial Approvers from GPS to IBX.
- Migration of organization Structure from GPS to IBX.
- Migration of Projects (Backup) from GPS to IBX.
- Purchaser details for all Purchasing groups.
- Migration of Users from GPS to IBX.