About Me
Experienced Software Engineer with demonstrated history of working since last 3.9 years in software industry using Agile model. Skilled in Manual Testing - Web & Mobile App, API Testing using Postman, Functional Testing (Component Testing, System Tes...
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Portfolio Projects
Description: It’s an E-Commerce based multi-vendor & gym sublimates-based product. It contains admin, seller & customer panel, where multiple sellers create & sell their own product and calculate commission shipping according to configuration. Key Result Areas: Understanding the business requirements. Making test cases and execution of those test cases for different functional modules. Performing functional testing, regression testing, Ad-hoc testing, re-testing, system testing. Regression testing, Defect analysis, reporting defects, defect follow up. Tested application for android & iOS by using download APK(Android) & IPA(iOS) in different mobiles
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Description: It’s an E-commerce site. Multivendor Marketplace App is an ultimate tool to convert your store into a fully functioning marketplace. Here, multiple sellers get registered who can sell their products locally or globally and the admin can charge a commission on each seller’s earnings. Multivendor is a largest app on Shopify which has 60 feature apps & more than 130 configurations provide different types of functionality & features. Key Result Areas: Understanding the functionality of modules. Making test cases and execution of those test cases for different functional modules. Performing functional testing, regression testing, Ad-hoc testing, re-testing, system testing Reviewing test cases designed by team members. Regression testing, Defect analysis, reporting defects, defect follow up
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Itsan E-commerce site.MultivendorMarketplace Appisanultimate tool toconvertyourstore into a fullyfunctioningmarketplace.Here,multiplesellersgetregisteredwhocan sell theirproducts locallyorgloballyandthe admincan charge a commissiononeachsellersearnings.Multivendoris a largestapp on Shopifywhichhas60 feature apps& more than 130 configurationsprovide differenttypesof functionality&features.
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