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To Obtain a position with a promising, growing, prestigious, organization to contribute the value of my diverse academic and professional experience while offering me a challenging opportunity and growth in the areas of Software Testing and Quality A...
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Portfolio Projects
Project Description:
KPMG in India one of the leading provider for Audit and Taxation .KPMG having huge farm in that basically they having huge customer base. It will be very difficult for them to take inquiry manually. We are made it design application isQPR(Quality Process Review) for collect information of the customer through Engagement Leader. WheneverCustomerwantsto do the Audit basically they not interact with (KPMG) directly Engagement leader are provide link of QPR application through mail. Then fill the inquiry form through engagement leader and QPR central team are review. Then it will incomplete and insufficient data they send back to the engagement leader. If there inquirysufficient to the audit and taxation they will provide the communication.
TaskPerformed :
•AnalyzedtheMapping sheetproperly anddesign test case.
•Understand the data to be used for reporting, Review the Data Model,Source to target mapping
•Performance testing on data,Review the test caseand store review comments in repository
•Perform Checkon Tables likeCountcheck, Duplicate Check, Null Checkbefore and after the transformation logic applied.
•Data flow validation from thestaging areato the intermediate tables.
•Run the jobusingInformaticaworkflow managerand track all the data inworkflow monitorverifysession log report.
•Map the requirementsvsTest case in JIRA, Execute all the test case and Resister thedefect via JIRA.
•Donedefect analysisandidentify RCA
•Participated inscrum meetingPrepare different types ofreportssuch asweekly report, daily status report.
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Project Description:
HSBC is UK base Company. HSBC is a third party data collection company they arehaving dailytransaction data into the database. They are collecting the data from different state of UK. This are collecting the data they are used for filtration process by applying ETL logics. We are checking eligibility of customer for taking loan in terms of simple interest or compound interest as per parameters candidate able to take loan also we are checking for manual count and sequel count must be match that all record from source to target moved.
TaskPerformed :
•Understanding ofSRS ,Mapping sheet and Created Test Cases from it, Execution of Test Cases.
•Incremental Testing,GUI Testing, Functional Testingof Enhancements & Regression Testing of Defects.
•PreparedTest Scenario, Test case design,andReview it.
•PerformedFunctionality Testing, Retesting and Regression Testing.
•Involved in theBehavioral, Input Domain, Error Handling, Calculation, Base,AndService Level Coverage.
•Resister the defect inJIRA.
•Preparation ofTest Requirement Mappingand generate Test reports.
•Validating ETL transformation logicsby usingSQL Queries to validate Count, Duplicate, Null, String length, Data types, Constraint.
•Participation in projectScrum Meeting.
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KPMG in India one of the leading provider for Audit and Taxation .KPMG having huge farm in that basically they having huge customer base. It will be very difficult for them to take inquiry manually. We are made it design application is QPR(Quality Process Review) for collect information of the customer through Engagement Leader. Whenever Customer wants to do the Audit basically they not interact with (KPMG) directly Engagement leader are provide link of QPR application through mail. Then fill the inquiry form through engagement leader and QPR central team are review. Then it will incomplete and insufficient data they send back to the engagement leader. If there inquiry sufficient to the audit and taxation they will provide the communication.
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