Suman P.

Suman P.

DevOps/AWS Cloud Engineer

, India

Experience: 4 Years


DevOps/AWS Cloud Engineer

16014.7 USD / Year

  • Notice Period: Days

4 Years

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About Me

Having Hands-on experience in GIT (Distributed Version Control tool), Ansible (Configuration Management Tools), Docker (Container Based Tool), Jenkins (CI/CD Tool) and Cloud Watch (Monitoring Tool), Kubernetes (Orchestration Tool). Designed, built an...

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Portfolio Projects


  • Migrated applications from Monolithic architecture to micro-service architecture
  • Managing and Administrating Jenkins tool includes creating Project AD groups and Access
  • Permissions and setting up Permissions for users in Jenkins.
  • Installation and Troubleshooting Jenkins related problems.
  • Managing version control tools, builds and deploys for java-based applications.
  • Responsible for code merges on a regular frequency to integrate the source code from various branches to maintain baseline code after every release.
  • Expertise on Installation and Configuration of Continuous Integration Tools Jenkins.
  • Created automated build and release environment using Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment CICD Tools Jenkins.
  • I have created Docker containers, Images, written Docker files for deployment purpose.
  • I have written YAML playbooks for creating users, installing webservers (Nginx, httpd).
  • I have written YAML script for creating Kubernetes Setup.
  • Written Yaml files for Deployments, ConfigMaps, secrets, Services, HPA, RBAC, Ingress.
  • Installed and configured the Helm package manager in AWS EKS and also created yaml helm charts for deploying services in eks.
  • Implemented blue green deployment strategy.
  • I’ve setup EFK(Elastic search, Fluentd, Kibana) Stack for centralizing logging in Elastic Kubernetes service.
  • Hosting and maintaining GitLab, Jenkins. Debugging issues if there is any failure in broken Jenkins build and maintaining Jenkins build and Delivery pipeline.
  • Develop and understanding of project CI/CD Pipelines to automate End to End process.
  • Worked as Build and release engineer and managing infrastructure using Ansible
  • Creating Ansible modules for the application to be installed, packaged, starting the services and so forth.
  • Creating/Managing AMI/Snapshots/Volumes, Upgrade/downgrade AWS resources (CPU, Memory, EBS).
  • Coordinating with developers and testers for Build and deploy Related issues
  • Supporting Onsite deployment at onsite.
  • Automate the build process using Jenkins and Maven. Developing and maintaining build files by using Maven
  • Responsible for creating the new projects & new build setup using Jenkins
  • Responsible for the deployment on Linux for Dev, QA, UAT, Beta, productions environment
  • Deploying the Ears, JAVA Wars and Jars appropriately and setting up the Apache Tomcat instances
  • Trouble shooting and resolved issues in DEV, QA, Test, UAT, PROD Environments.
  • Implemented the setup for master slave architecture to improve the performance of Jenkins.

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  • We have taken lead in migration process of servers & data from on-premises data centre to AWS Cloud
  • I have written Declarative scripted pipeline file in Jenkins for automate CI/CD pipeline
  • I have done Jenkins installation, configuration and Mater, Slave configuration setup.
  • I’ve created branches by using Git, Development, feature, release branches.
  • In my project I'm using Ansible for configuration management purpose and deployment purpose.
  • I have created Docker containers, Images, written Docker files for deployment purpose.
  • I have written YAML playbooks for creating users, installing webservers (Nginx, httpd).
  • I've created demonized Docker container & port mapping so that we can access web application outside world.
  • Installed and configured build tools Maven
  • I have done Ansible installation, configuration, by using Ansible I'm managing around 400 servers for all applications.
  • In my project I’ve used modules like (yum, state, name, service, copy, file, git, handlers, archive, include, command, apt, include tasks, package, raw, setup)
  • Roles I’m using for segregating the tasks, instead of running whole playbook, we can run our required code snippet.
  • Migrated all the object storage to S3 Buckets and Created IAM role with S3 full access and attached to EC2s to access data without credentials.
  • Mounted EFS (Elastic File System) with EC2s to have one common storage.
  • Configured all in Auto Scaling Groups and Launch Configurations.
  • Installed and configured GIT and GitHub in organization, well versed in managing SCM repositories like Git, GitHub.
  • Extensively Worked with Docker images like pulling images from Docker hub, creating images from Docker file, also from Docker containers.
  • Well experienced in creating containers from Docker images as well as from our own images.
  • Well-aware of Installation and Configuration of Ansible.
  • Having good knowledge in dealing with inventory file and host patterns, Idempotency concepts, modules, and writing Playbooks, experienced in YAML.
  • Installed and configured Jenkins in both windows and in Linux machine.
  • Installed and configured java as pre-requisite to install Jenkins and Integrated many tools with Jenkins like Git, JUnit/Selenium, Tomcat webservers.
  • K8S I’m using for automation of deployments & high availability of enterprise applications
  • Installed many plug-ins like GitHub, check style, JUnit, Deploy to container, and build-pipeline.
  • Configured Scheduled projects by enabling POLL SCM to run projects frequently.
  • Established complete pipeline workflow starting from pulling source code from git repository till deploying end-product into Tomcat server.
  • Established complete Jenkins CI-CD pipeline and automated complete workflow of build and delivery pipeline.

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