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Portfolio Projects
Analysis, planning and development
Destination: Colleges and Sports Schools
Which is
The system aims to make the Management of Sports Practice, with the intention of achieving excellence in professional practice, covering all the particularities involved in this relationship.
How it works
The system has the following functions:
• Manage the monitoring of classes, students and payments of the Sport Center.
• Provide management information that helps in the administrative conduct of the activities and demonstration of results.
• Allow the monitoring of all classes.
• Generate reports with statistical data on payments and performance of classes and teachers.
• Allow the use of the system, regardless of where the user is (web-based system, with the possibility of quantitative reports and graphs for management and other reports characteristic of the profiles that will use the system).
• Transparency of financial transactions.
• Generation of tickets.
System Modules
Management of all System features
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Analysis, planning and development
Destination: Companies
Which is
System that allows the Communication Departments to place the pertinent information directly on the Institution Site, without the need of the Department of Informatics. The system was developed by Costatecs and its maintenance and evolution is being done by the Systems Department.
How it works
The administrators of each site post the main news, events and events of the College and Universities.
System Modules
Responsible for posting news, texts, articles and other content of the sites.
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Analysis, planning and development
Destination: Teaching Institutions
Which is
The Institutional Evaluation system is a very important issue for institutional growth and aims to:
• Improve the quality of education;
• Guide the expansion of its offer;
• To permanently increase its institutional effectiveness and educational and social effectiveness.
How it works
The System can operate in two ways:
• By reading the evaluation written by the students.
• Through the Internet.
Students authenticate into the system and complete the information elaborated by the CPA (Universities) or Pedagogical Coordination (College) or Administrative Board (sports school). After answering the questions, the system provides detailed percentage and quantitative replies. With this, proposals can be elaborated to improve the various elements that make up the Institution.
Analysis, planning and development
Destination: Universities
Which is
The Selective Process Management System is a high level system that aims to dynamically develop all stages of a selection process.
How it works
Pre process
The Management profile creates the process, defining initial instructions, start and end dates of the process and other information. The Financial profile registers the data of the account that will receive the payment of the tickets, as well as instructions and days of expiration of the ticket.
The Communication profile registers the types of discount, type of SOURCE (type of media that the candidate used as reference for the inscription in the Institution).
The process
The candidate enters the site, makes the application in 3 steps:
1. Cadastral data.
2. Completion of the socioeconomic form.
3. Generation of payment slip.
All steps are independent, but hierarchical, that is, to fill out the socio-economic form, the candidate must fill in his registration data. To generate the ticket, you must complete the form.
The applicant fills in his registration data. If he has a problem and can not continue with the process, he can later return to the system and, informing his registration code and CPF, complete the socio-economic form. If he does not remember your registration code, he can contact the Institution and employees trained in Telemarketing or Subscription Support profiles and they can provide you with their code by simply conferring your data.
After completing the 3 steps of the registration, the candidate will make the generation of the ticket and its payment.
Concurrent to this process
Telemarketing and Enrollment Support profiles will work by actively recruiting applicants who have failed to pay for the ticket or by assisting candidates in the application process.
The financial profile will download tickets and track the financial movement, view the discounts made, record the information that will be on the tickets, expiration days and account data that will receive the payments.
The Communication profile will have online information regarding the days of greater access, number of registrations, being able to draw comparatives with your actions in the press and have the best overview of the actual results of your marketing. You will be able to register discount profiles according to partnerships established with companies. Such discounts will be posted to the system by the Subscription and Telemarketing Support Profile to the candidates that fit the profile.
The Telemarketing Profile will have the follow-up of the candidates in the 3 steps of the registration, being able to do marketing actions on the candidates who did not finish the registration, and may even offer discounts if the types of discounts have been registered by the communication profile. It will also assist the candidate in the various steps of the application.
The Management and Management Advisory profile will have online information on the progress of the Process, both in terms of registrations, not materialized, times and days of greater demand and financial information (available only in the management system), information register in the 3 stages of the process, process reports.
End of the process
Manager signals the end of the process. Finance makes the last casualties. System makes enturmação (procedure where the students who paid billet are allocated in the rooms available). Sending with this information is generated and sent to the partner company, responsible for generating the personalized answer sheets and later for reading them. Candidates make proof. After finishing the exam, teachers who did the correction of the essay, enter with the notes in the system. Evidence of general knowledge is sent to the partner company, where the student's answers are read. Partner company sends file with student responses, which is read by system. After the registration of the feedback, system automatically corrects the proof and generates reports of approved, classification, press and surplus by course and general.
Analysis, planning and development
Destination: Universities
Which is
The Online Registration System collects all the information necessary to carry out the registration. The data collected are sent to the school secretary, who validates the information pertinent to the process: prerequisites, conflict of schedules. The Online Registration System streamlines the enrollment process without loss of time or attrition for the Institution's employees.
How it works
The student authenticates in the system and follows the following steps:
a) Acceptance of the Contract.
b) Updating the cadastral data (address, commercial data, etc).
c) Selection of Parcel or Regular:
1) If it is parceled out, the system will display the subjects available for tuition that the student can attend. The student will mark the boxes corresponding to the subjects.
2) If it is regular, it will go straight to the next step.
d) Contract printing, time grid printing.
After the student finishes his enrollment, he will be sent to the registry for analysis. The secretariat logs on your profile in the system, does the analysis. The result of the registration automatically follows by e - mail to the student.
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Analysis, planning and development
Destination: Companies and educational institutions
Which is
Control system for technical calls, destined to the Data Processing Center.
How it works
Each user of the institution receives a login and password, where they can open calls for maintenance on machines, need to expand the network, new systems for use and other demands related to information technology. The system administrator receives these demands and distributes them to CPD members according to their specialties. The system provides reports of most demanded demands, most attended departments, and derived reports.
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