About Me
Software Professional with 3.5 years of IT experience in DevOps Environment.Having Hands-on experience in GIT (Distributed Version Control tool), Ansible(Configuration Management Tools), Docker (Container Based Tool), Jenkins (CI/CDTool) and Cloud Wa...
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Portfolio Projects
We have taken lead in migration process of servers & data from on-premises data centreto AWS CloudI have worked on pipeline in Jenkins for automate CI/CD pipelineI have done Jenkins installation, configuration and Master, Slave configuration setup.Ive created branches by using Git, Development, feature, release branches.In my project Im using Ansible for configuration management purpose anddeployment purpose.I have created Docker containers, Images, written Docker files for deploymentpurpose.I have written YAML playbooks for creating users, installing webservers (Nginx,httpd).Using IAM Ive created users, groups and attached polices.Ive created demonized Docker container & port mapping so that we can access webapplication outside world.I have done Ansible installation, configuration, by using Ansible Im managingaround 70 servers for all applications.Roles Im using for segregating the tasks, instead of running whole playbook, we canrun our required code snippet.Installed and configured GIT and GitHub in organization.Extensively Worked with Docker images like pulling images from Docker hub, creatingimages from Docker file, also from Docker containers.Well experienced in creating containers from Docker images as well as from our ownimages.Experienced with volume mappings and port mappings.Well-aware of Installation and Configuration of Ansible.Having good knowledge in dealing with inventory file and host patterns, Idempotencyconcepts, modules, and writing Playbooks, experienced in YAML.Installed and configured Jenkins in both windows and in Linux machine.Installed and configured java as pre-requisite to install Jenkins and Integrated manytools with Jenkins like Git, JUnit/Selenium, Tomcat webservers.Installed many plug-ins like GitHub, checkstyle, JUnit, Deploy to container,and build-pipeline.Configured Scheduled projects by enabling POLL SCM to run projects frequently.Established complete pipeline workflow starting from pulling source code from gitrepository till deploying end-product into Tomcat server.Established complete Jenkins CI-CD pipeline and automated complete workflow ofbuild and delivery pipeline.
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Hands on experience in automating build process using Jenkinss tool.Experience on writing Shell Scripts to perform deployment of Java Build filesand automating manual Tasks.Hands on experience in configuration management tolls like Ansible.Performed installation & configuration of Tomcat application server andApache server.Analyzing application logs in order to determine the possible cause of issues andreporting errors directly to the Dev team.Sending daily, weekly extracts to customers.Taking weekly back-ups like Jenkinss home directory.Design and create automated Build and Deployment process.Creating docker images and create docker containers.Setup Kubernetes architecture with master and nodes.Writing Docker files as per requirement.Replicating docker file and build the images and creating container.Experience with container-based deployments using Docker.Created, modified and customized Docker files, Docker images running javaapplicationsWorked with various components of Docker like Docker Engine, Docker hub,Docker Registry, Dockers Trusted Registry and Docker Swarm.Creating docker images and create docker containers.Working on docker swarm and Kubernetes.
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