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Results-driven Senior Project Manager with 18 years of experience in leading successful IT projects from initiation to completion.Proven track record of delivering projects on time and exceeding client expectations. Skilled in managing cross-function...
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Portfolio Projects
This project is a centralized online SKEP tool. This tool is designed from perspective of Contact Center Industry standards and complies with PCI standards. This tool is basically for Skills and Knowledge Enhancement Program. Using this tool ‘Coaches’ can decide, set and track the KPIs and Goals for agents. This tool also provides larger level visibility from middle to senior management to top-most management.
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This project is an initiative of Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE, Govt. of India). This package was developed to enroll Below Poverty Line (BPL) families in order to provide them health insurance of Rs. 30,000. Details of such individuals are captured in this application and same is written on a Smart Card which is further used by these families to make payments for the designed treatments. Authentication of the card is based on Biometric data (Fingerprints) captured for enrolled family members.
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The tool accepts data from various systems in the form of Excel file or by querying into a database. These records are then saved into a local database and are processed in such a way that it generated several excel output files at various stages of process. These output files are a kind of reports which are referred by Board of Directors. These reports highlight various figures e.g.: Loans given, Investments, Product Segmentation, etc.
Impact: Manual Process: 1 week (approx).
Automated Process: 30 minutes (approx).
SID is a modular CEM platform, optimized with agent workflowcapabilities, connects to both back-end data sources as well as to desktopapplications. The end result is a seamless blend of CRM applications optimizedfor an omni-channel environment, all within a highly flexible presentation layer.Some basic features include:- Case & Escalation Management- Customer and Contact Database- Knowledge Base and Customer Portal- Real Time Management Dashboards- Multilingual and Multi-region Capabilities- Omni-channel Management and Integration such as Voice, Email, ChatSocial Media and Fax
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This application is a complete trading solution for India and Australianmarket. Clients can trade with securities, can check the market picture, marketdepth and can also check the feeds for required securities in real time.Application also supports charting trend analysis.
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The package was designed for enrolling families of those remotelocations in India where basic Banking & Financial facilities are not available.Details of such individuals are captured in this application and same is writtenon a Smart Card which is further used by these people to perform Bankingtransactions in a fashion similar to a normal Debit Card. Authentication of thecard is based on Biometric data (Fingerprints) instead of Pin Code. These cardscan also be used to make Cashless transactions.
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This project is an initiative of Ministry of Labour and Employment(MoLE, Govt. of India). This package was developed to enroll Below PovertyLine (BPL) families in order to provide them health insurance of Rs. 30,000.Details of such individuals are captured in this application and same is writtenon a Smart Card which is further used by these families to make payments forthe designed treatments. Authentication of the card is based on Biometric data(Fingerprints) captured for enrolled family members.
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The tool was designed for processing the records received fromcorporate customers, in order to make payments. This tool accepts a set ofrecords from an excel file, saves them into database, processes these records,highlights the rejected records, processes the valid records and generates anoutput file which is further uploaded into the Banks system.Impact: Manual Process for 1 file: 1-1/5 hours (approx).Automated Process for 1 file: 15-20 minutes (approx).
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The tool accepts data from various systems in the form of Excel file orby querying into a database. These records are then saved into a local databaseand are processed in such a way that it generated several excel output files atvarious stages of process. These output files are a kind of reports which arereferred by Board of Directors. These reports highlight various figures e.g.:Loans given, Investments, Product Segmentation, etc.Impact: Manual Process: 1 week (approx).Automated Process: 30 minutes (approx).
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