About Me
Area of expertise
• Application development using Angular, Ionic, Cordova
• Design (PSD/Sketch) to mobile application development
• Build automation using Nodejs
• Cordova plugin development to l...
Portfolio Projects
The objective of this application is to allow admin user tocontrol all the accounts that are created on the app as well as administration features.
My responsibility was to develop backend portal usingAngular 7 that accessFirebase DB for various functionlaities handling like Booking, Ride Requests, Blog Post etc. andreal time chat using Virtual viewport for better performance.
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The objective of this application is to allow vendors to book advertise area (hoarding, banner) online from map - apply multiple filters before purchase. My role was to prepare solution architecture, code scaffolding, define coding stanadard and guideline, manage team of 3 people and communicate with client for project updates and other discussion.
Note: The application was initially developed in AngularJS and then updated with Angular 5.
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The objective of this application is toprovide farmers with all relevant information regarding Agri Solutions. With details like Package of Practice, Mandi prices, Weather information, Crop Solutions, Customized Crop Advisory and many more exciting features, this app is a one stop solution for most of your farming needs. Using these information farmers can take informed decisions for any intervention related to their Crop.
The application (mobile app and backend portal) was developed under my supervision. My role was to interact with client to understand business requirememt, prepare solution architecture, documented scope of work and handle team to execute the project. Apart from team management and code scaffolding, I was involved in developing chat and mandi moduleangular
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The client was looking to build up her own website to capture online booking, leads. I have developed the website using Wordpress and integrated it with Ontraport, Zapier, Mailchimp and Acuity for lead capturing and marketing autoimation.
Whenever an user fills up the form, he gets registered in Mailchimp and as well in Ontraport (using Zap). I have designed workflow system that sends user automated email in 2 days, 7 days and 14 days depending upon his events.
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The application displays equipment and product funding by Srei. Apart from that user can calculate the EMI and also capture the customer detail. This tool will help the user to have all the customer related information at one place.
An application developed for improving efficiency of the internal sales force and SEPs and providing them with the following capabilities right in their hands :
1. Lead generation ability
2. Field investigation capability with GPS enablement
3. Sales brochures to assist them in their discussion with the customers
4. A simple emi calculator
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The objective of this project is to develop a web portal that connects clients (employers) with nearby job seekers. The website is a dynamic, mobile-only and rich with contents and info graphics. There are two sides to this platform. One is Job-seeker and another is the Employers’ account. They can perform various functions using their account. Administrator portal will also be available for maintaining the whole system.
Users will be able to login only through their social media accounts and will be able to create their own profile. Once they have created their profile and completed the ‘survey’, they cansearch or post a job.
This is team management application for crop advisers (Rallis employess or third party vendors).
The application (mobile app and backend portal) was developed under my supervision. My role was to interact with client to understand business requirememt, prepare solution architecture, documented scope of work and handle team to execute the project.
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