Narala V.

Narala V.

Enthusiastic Software Engineer exploring and building native android apps

Bangalore , India

Experience: 1 Year


Bangalore , India

Enthusiastic Software Engineer exploring and building native android apps

5338.24 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

1 Year

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Portfolio Projects


Description: An android application to view latest movies, tv shows and their reviews. • Implemented Caching for faster display of results, reuse previously fetched results, reduce frequency of network requests • Implemented Pagination to display an infinite scrolling list of movies • Loading movie posters using Glide image loading library

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Description: A task scheduling android application with Notifications to remind users of their tasks. • Used Room persistence library to store user tasks in a SQLite database • Implemented NotificationManager, AlarmManager and BroadcastReceiver to send a notification to the user’s device at the selected time

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Description: A dictionary android app that fetches a list of meanings along with examples of their usages from the web for a user-entered word. • Used Retrofit to fetch meaning of a user-entered word • Used RecyclerView to display network results to the user • Structured code according to MVVM architecture adhering to separation of concerns principle

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