Rishi S.

Rishi S.

Frontend Developer

Gandhinagar , India

Experience: 2 Years


Gandhinagar , India

Frontend Developer

231.537 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

2 Years

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About Me

Frontend Developerwww.github.com/RishiSanghvi123 rishisanghvi2@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/rishisanghvi2+919586855346...

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Portfolio Projects


An ecom website with firebase login authentication, ReactJS functionalities like routing, context API, hooks. In process to shift from context API to a redux store

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Used the Github API and the Axios library to create a webpage that gives you the repo details for any given user

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Part of the developing team at Enacton on a project they were working on, can be checked out at - https://flolio.com

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○ https://peaceful-rugelach-1077dd.netlify.app - With the introduction of React 18, implemented the changes in the react-router-dom dependency like making a shift from Switch to Routes and understanding useParams in greater depth

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