Dhananjay M.

Dhananjay M.

Senior Software Engineer

Mumbai , India

Experience: 5 Years


Mumbai , India

Senior Software Engineer

USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date:

5 Years

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About Me

3.5 years relevant experience in Software User Interface Development for Web based applications. Working as a UI developer in Cognizant Technology Solutions with expertise in development and implementation along with the maintenance of web applicatio...

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Portfolio Projects


Working as a design system front end developer where a central repository is created for other developers to refer and re use the pre-built theme, typography, css, styles in their respective project in angular framework.

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Worked as an angular developer to built re usable components

Involve in code integration of the project with api end points

Styling the components individually as well as globally for common css using sass

Integrating third party ng bootstrap components

Perform lazy loading to load the different wings of data on interaction

Code optimization, UI improvisation

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To understand and analyze the requirement by passing the desired query to elasticsearch and fetch data with manipulation to draw the graph through D3JS

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Code integration with php backend data

Constructed the login page using bootstrap

Used twig template to bind data into UI.

Manage the content system where articles are created with pixel perfection styling and added, published.

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Developed UI/ front-end web pages using HTML, JavaScript, JQuery and Bootstrap framework. Integration with java backend. Style the pages using CSS.

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Developed UI/ front-end web pages using HTML, JavaScript, JQuery and media queries. Integrated the pages with SharePoint backend. Style the pages using CSS. Independently handled one complete User Interface of the project.

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Delivered a complete UI feature for the project and on time. Member of the team with development process where daily meetings and deadlines are met. Successfully fixed all UI bugs.

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Develop and support the team in developing UI and Bug fixing. Optimize the front-end code to maintain standards and improve performance, using simple and easy ways to implement. Implement new features in the existing app.

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