About Me
Strict practitioners of Cocoa touch coding conventions and style. Good understanding on implementing Auto-layouts, Storyboarding and Stack view. Expertise in developing iOS applications using Objective C and Swift. Good knowledge on using third party...
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Portfolio Projects
iSecureWallet application shows the offers from restaurants and retail stores around user. User can able to add the particular offer to his cart. If the item is successfully added to cart then he eligible for that particular offer. iSecurePayments having large number of merchants so user can add particular merchant to his Favourite merchants list by Search or Scan. If the merchant successfully added to his Favourite Merchants list then Offers from that merchant will come under MyFavouriteOffers list. User can able to add his credit/debit card to his cards list to do payment. For this we are asking the user to generate a 6 digit pin based on his phone number. After that successful pin validation application search for NearbyMerchants by connecting through Beacons. If no merchants found nearby then user will process his payment by Scanning the Barcode. After successful scan he will be redirected to payment page there he enters the amount and will complete the payment.
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OurHeatlhGuru lets the user to add Remainders about his Health like Medications, Doctor Appointments, Lab visits etc. After that he can able to add Reminder Details with Particular Name then he can categorize his Reminder time as Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Based on time he selected we will be pushing the local notification with Particular Remainder name. We will be showing those details in Dashboard with progress, by selecting that he can mark it as MarkAsTaken, MarkAsMissed. Once he selected as Taken then the reminder will be automatically closed in case of Missed the same reminder process will comes in to play.
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LSS ismainly for the LSS technicians to send their Job Survey reports from mobile to LSS Admins. Admins Can able to watch their inputs in the LSS Web portal. This app cable of saving data in offline and sync to the server when technicians come to online. Technicians can give inputs to LSS Admins of their working time through the app.
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