IOS Developer

Chennai , India

Experience: 2 Years


Chennai , India

IOS Developer

5338.24 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

2 Years

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About Me

Started as a Customer Support Executive and transitioned into an IOS Developer. Proficient in Swift, Objective-C, Xcode IDE, and MVC Pattern. Experienced in integrating third-party libraries and using version control tools like GitHub....

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Portfolio Projects


A Basic Story App - Conversation between a Murder & a Victim.

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Quizzler App - A Quiz App

Some 10 Random questions will be raised with 2 options the user needs to select the appropriate answer. Also the user's score and progress of the question will be showed.

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Bitcoin Ticker - Rate Checker

App to check the Live Bitcoin rates and also can check the live rates of the E-Currencies which are available in the market.

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Normal Calculation App which is same as the iphone calculator.

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Clima - Weather Checker App with Lat-Long.

User's weather will be automatically fetched and the user can able see the country's weather using a weather checking menu.

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Flash Chat - Messenger

A chat app with sign-up & sign-in integrated with Firebase for Authentication & Database Management for handling user data.

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InspoQuotes - Get Quote for the day.

Quotes can be purchased with help of the Bank Cards.

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Todoey - A Shopping List app

Shopping list app with implemented with Local Native Storage, NSUser Defaults& Realm DB.

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