About Me
Android Skills:-
Android Sdk, Android Studio, Android Components, Architecture Lifecycle, Live Data, View Model, Ui Customization, Material Design, Knowledge of new android updates.
Core Java, Kotlin
Tools and Techniques:-
Jira, Sonar Lint, Sonar Qube, Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, CI/ CD, Jenkins, TeamCity.
Third Party Libraries:-
Retrofit, RxJava, RxAndroid, Coroutines, Picasso, Glide, Fresco, Universal Image Loaders.
Learning new technologies and work on big scale and development.Like to buys on my work.
Projects links:-
CSI Software
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Portfolio Projects
A Mobile Application which provides a cash back on the bought items.
It also comes up with handy shopping list features.Also provides various cash back methods like link with PayPal card or retailer specific cards(Loyalty cards) or user can upload a receipt to get the cashback on post purchase.
- Worked on Ui Development Worked on creating custom views.
- Worked on designing and creating screen navigation using coordinator pattern.
- Worked on creating and designing Image loader wrappers, WebView wrappers.
Project Title :- Gamestop:-
A Mobile Application which provides selling and trading of game products and accessories.
Roles and Responsibilities
Bug Fixes and Performance enhancement. Restructured api call to Retrofit and Rx java. Restructuring architecture to MVP.
Automation of build and deployment to Hockey App and Google PlayStore.
UI Development and Enhancement. Memory Leak Managment
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A Mobile Application which act as a remote control for Air purifier device installed on house or office.
- Implemented IOT Connection , device connection to AWS server which controls the device.
- Retrofit for handling api call.
- Implemented syncing between molekule device and android app using observer and AWS Server. Managed Database using Realm
AirWayBill :-
A Mobile Application which act as courier service for users and money makers for travellers.
Basically Traveller will carry the shipment posted by shipper through the app, and once the traveller reach to destination he can give the shipment to receiver at destination, and for this the traveller will earn some bucks.
- End to End UI Development.
- Used Loaders to data change.
- Implemented custom Views
- Implemented live chat using firebase database. Implemented push notification using firebase. Implemented Maps and Location services. Added Apps flyer to track events for users.
Health and Fitness Club Management Application:- A Mobile Application which act as a scheduler and pre-booking medium for trainer and customers.
- End to End Development using MVP Pattern. Developed custom views and components. Developed White Label Application(Build - Automation Application) for creating different and Unique Brands, Assets, Images and Icon for different Customers.
- Used XmlPullParser for xml response.
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