About Me
Results-oriented iOS developer with more than 7 years experience writing readable, clean, maintainable source code. Developed more than 40 applications for iPhone and iPad that offer users an intuitive, friendly interface, and successfully execut...
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Portfolio Projects
App Objective
With the GoodDealGPS mobile app drivers can keep more accurate andcost-effective logbooks and reduce paperwork. And fleet managers can reduce vehicle maintenance costs, improve fuel efficiency with route-mapping options, maximize fleet profitability and reduce unsafe driving.
- Log auditing
- Vehicle GPS tracking
- IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting
- Vehicle Diagnostics
- Geofencing
- Add fuel costs
- Idle time tracking
- Dispatching
- Send two-way messages
- View your violations
- Let an officer inspect your logs
- Change your current duty status
- UIKit
- CoreGraphics
- Quartz
- Core Location
- Core Data
- Notification Center
- AVFoundation
- AVKit
- SpriteKit
Third-party libraries
- Masonry
- BaTabBarController
- GBDeviceInfo
- AFNetworking
- SDWebImage
- AppCenter
- Firebase/Core
Programming language
- Objective C
App Objective
Vib Cloud is an end-to-end solution that enables collection and analysing the vibration data from machine. The all process can be done when the device is connected with the vibration sensor.
- Record high-quality vibration measurements
- Perform on-the-spot diagnosis
- Collect data beyond vibration
- Basic reporting
- Non-vibration data points
- Advanced analysis & condition assessment
- Advanced reporting
- Route-based inspections
- Asset register & document library
- UIKit
- AVFoundation
- CoreLocation
- Notification Center
- CoreData
- CoreGraphics
Third-party libraries
- SnapKit
- MMDrawerController
- Alamofire
- Zip
- Charts
- MBCircularProgressBar
- ReachabilitySwift
- AppCenter
Programming language
- Objective-C
App Objective
The objective of Discovered by Coke is to scan Coca Cola can and present 3D model in Augmented Reality.
Image Recognition
Placing Video in Augmented Reality
ARKit Center
Third-party libraries
APMultiMenu DGActivityIndicatorView
Programming language
App Objective
The PEEM application has is designed to simplify online shopping and make it faster and easier. It allows easily managing of purchases and order history to the users.
- Access all your previous orders
- Track order book
- Track shipping times
- Browse products
- Maintain history on a regular basis
- Wish lists for different types
- Tailor-made offers
- Browse thousands of products
- UIKit
- StoreKit
- AVFoundation
- Photos (PhotoKit)
- MapKit
- Core Location
Third-party libraries
- Masonry
- AFNetworking
- SDWebImage
- AppCenter
- APMultiMenu
- DGActivityIndicatorView
- GBDeviceInfo
- SAMKeychain
Programming language
- Swift
App Objective
VGContact is B2B application. The objective of this app is to facilitate the process of getting the information about the clients and easily contact them.
- Navigation using Maps.
- Complete address of customer
- List of telephones, fax, mail of customers.
- List of contacts attached to each client.
- UIKit
- StoreKit
- AVFoundation
- Photos (PhotoKit)
- MapKit
- Core Location
Third-party libraries
- Masonry
- AFNetworking
- AppCenter
- APMultiMenu
- DGActivityIndicatorView
- GBDeviceInfo
Programming language
- Swift
App Objective
Vg Digital Catalogue is an application for iPad. The objective for this app is to help businesses gain more customers and impress them at the same time.
- Online and offline mode
- List view
- Find, filter and select products
- Send order confirmations
- Register customers
- Custom offers for your clients
- Adapts to your price policy
- Comment section
- Electronic signatures
- Print and email confirmations
- Supports multiple languages Integrated with your VG ERP software
- Use price lists from your VisualGest ERP software
- Manage customers directly from your ERP
- Online stock information and live feed synchronization
- Apply custom filters
- Customer specific prices
- Receive orders directly from your VG Catalogue
- UIKit
- StoreKit
- AVFoundation
- Photos (PhotoKit)
- MapKit
- Core Location
Third-party libraries
- Masonry
- AFNetworking
- SDWebImage
- SVPullToRefresh
Programming language
- Objective-C
App Objective
Teorem is an e-commerce Application that allows to the users to sell second-hand clothes or other accessories.
- Signing up and Signing in
- Searching clothes and accessories according user defined conditions
- Placing clothes and accessories to sell
- Buying clothes and accessories
- Chat with users
- Commenting on other user’s articles
- In-app purchasesality
- UIKit
- StoreKit
- AVFoundation
- Photos (PhotoKit)
- MapKit
- Core Location
Third-party libraries
- SnapKit
- Alamofire
- Kingfisher
- QBImagePickerController
- Firebase/Messaging
- Firebase/Analytics
- AppCenter
- FBSDKCoreKit
- FBSDKLoginKit
Programming language
- Swift
App Objective
5 Plus is an educational application promoting general understanding of basic logical operations in toddlers and kids. It contains a variety of interactive educational activities, offering lots of fun while supporting early child development.
- Coloring book
- Memory Blocks
- Find the Item
- Find the difference
- Complete the Song
- Sprite Animations
- Working with SVG Files
- UIKit
- CoreGraphics
- Quartz
- Core Location
- Core Data
- Notification Center
- AVFoundation
- AVKit
- SpriteKit
- MapKit
- CoreLocation
Third-party libraries
- Masonry
- AFNetworking
- FacebookSDK
- SSZipArchive
- PocketSVG
Programming language
- Swift
Tekekom Fantasy Football
App Objective
Telekom Fantasy football is a game in which participants assemble an imaginary team of real life footballers and score points based on those players’ actual statistical performance or their perceived contribution on the field of play.
- Socket Communication
- Login with social media
- Remote rich notifications
- Notification Content extension
- Camera & Photo Library Usage
- UIKit
- Core Graphics
- Quartz
- Core Location
- Core Data
- Notification Center
- AVFoundation
- AVKit
- SpriteKit
Third-party libraries
- AFNetworking
- Masonry
- APMultiMenu
- FBSDKLoginKit
- FBSDKShareKit
- Google/SignIn
- TwitterKit
- SVProgressHUD
- SDWebImage/WebP
- SVPullToRefresh
- Firebase/Auth
- DZImageEditing
Programming language
- Objective-C
App Objective
Izzy ft. Angry Birds is custom keyboard extension. The objective of this keyboard is to replace the user habit of sending the emojis. On this keyboard that can be done by gestures. Also after every gesture in this keyboard we’re playing sprite animations.
- Keyboard Engine (Our custom typing platform)
- Keyboard Languages
- Keyboard Predictions
- Keyboard Local letters
- Keyboard Symbols
- Keyboard Emojis
- Keyboard JukeBox
- Keyboard Swipe sound
- Keyboard Type sound
- Keyboard Trail
- Keyboard Swipe gesture
- Keyboard Animated gesture
- Keyboard Actions (Double tap on “.” is equal to “.”)’
- Keyboard Skins(Background image, Crown etc)
- Landing Page(Skins, social connectors etc)
- Settings(Sound, vibration, share, contact us etc)
- UIKit
- AVFoundation
- Notification Center
- CoreLocation
- CoreData
Third-party libraries
- Zip
- SnapKit
- Lottie-IOS
- AppCenter
- Alamofire
- MicrosotAzureMobile
- SDWebImage
- SVGKit
- FacebookSDK
- TTAttributedLabel
- FLAnimatedImage
Programming language
- Swift
App Objective
TVIzzy Croatia is an application that enables push video notifications of sport footages which provide the latest videos of goals and highlights in real time.
- Rich Push Notifications with multiple videos
- Live update with rich push notification on the matches
- Archive of videos from football matches about the highlights from them.
- Enabled different sounds for different type of notification
- Settings for subscribing for receiving notifications for favorite team
- Settings for subscribing for receiving notification with different sounds (MUTE,TVIZZYSOUND,DEFAULT)
- Settings for subscribing for receiving notification with different types (GOAL,HIGHLITS)
- Settings for subscribing for receiving notification for multiple teams
- UIKit
- Foundation
- UserNotifications
- UserNotificationsUI
- MessageUI
- AVFoundation
- AVKit
- CoreLocation
Third-party libraries
- Alamofire (HTTP networking library written in Swift.)
- SnapKit (Framework to make Auto Layout easy)
- MMDrawerController (Framework for SideMenu implementation)
- FacebookSDK (Framework used for login with Facebook’
- TwitterKit (Framework used for login with Twitter)
- Firebase (Framework used for login with Google)
- MobileCenter (Framework for tracking app analytics and crashes)
- Kingfisher (Framework for caching images/videos)
- Windows Azure Messaging Framework (Framework used to connect with azure hub for subscribing to receiving push notification)
Programming language
- Objective-C
App Objective
IzzyOne is application for fast texting gifs, images and videos through the most common social apps like Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp.
- Connect with a social platform
- Send Audio files
- Send images
- Send gifs
- CoreData
- UIKit
- AVFoundation
Third-party libraries
- SnapKit
- Alamofire
- MMDrawerController
- Kingfisher
- SVPullToRefresh
- HysterialPlayer
- FBSDKMessanger Kit
Programming language
- Swift
App Objective
MY Mobile Rights is an official app from the Communications & Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) to empower Malaysian consumers.
- Check tips and guides for mobile providers
- Check the latest plan for different providers
- Lodge a formal complaint for some mobile provider
- UIKit
- Foundation
- Notification Center
Third-party libraries
- Snapkit
- Alamofire
- Kingfisher
Programming language
- Swift
App Objective
Forex signals by FX Market Leaders is an advanced app which brings the best buy/sell Forex signals from the market. It includes buy/sell signals, forex live rates and real time market updates, all in one interface which can be used for trading Forex. This App Also includes a premium service with real time push notifications each time a forex signal is opened or closed.
- Dashboard
- Real-time streaming of quotes and charts
- Market news
- Alerts for prices changes
- Notifications
- UIKit
- Foundation
- AVKit
- AVFoundation
- Notification Center
- User Notifcations
Third-party libraries
- Snapkit
- Charts
- UeedKit (for RSS feed)
- Alamofire
Programming language
- Swift
App Objective
VanlommeIN is an portfolio app for a company in the field of heavy machines.
- Rent Crane Mashines
- Get expert Drainage team
- Get other tools needed in demolition, earthmoving and construction
- PDF Reader
- QuartzCore
- UIKit
- AVKit
Third-party libraries
- Masonry
- SDWebImage
- Parse
Programming language
- Objective-C
App Objective
United Gun Group is social marketplace connecting the Firearms Community. This app is not fully developed by us. We have implemented only login with the social connectors and made UI improvement.
- Connect with friends that have the same interests as you
- Create and join groups and chats
- Share your thoughts
- Discover events from the firearms community
- Buy and sell merchandises
- UIKit
- Foundation
- CoreLocation
- MapKit
Third-party libraries
- Facebook Core
- Facebook Login
- Snapkit
- Alamofire
Programming language
- Swift
App Objective
Heyup is a dating app that recommends users that are near you and you have probably crossed paths with in real life. This application is not fully developed by us.
- Find users that are near you
- Chat
- In-app purchases
- Search for matches based on your criteria
- UIKit
- Foundation
- CoreLocation
- MapKit
- StoreKit
Programming language
- Swift
App Objective
Worldcrunch is an journalism application with which you can discover a worldof fresh perspectives from top international news outlets, expertly translated into English for the first time. This app is presented in WebView.
- Special series on world affairs, with multiple viewpoints on today’s big issues
- Worldcrunch originals from correspondents on the ground around the globe
- Email, Tweet and share articles to Facebook and Google+ from directly within the app
- Navigate and read in landscape or portrait orientation
- Filter stories by category
- Search Worldcrunch“s full archives
- Unlock full access across all your devices with a premium membership through in-app subscriptions
- UIKit
- StoreKit
Third-party libraries
- SnapKit
- Alamofire
Programming language
- Objective-C