Jason Z.

Jason Z.


Phoenix , United States

Experience: 1 Year


Phoenix , United States


66000 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

1 Year

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About Me

Experienced, motivated professional with demonstrated ability of software development. Great passion and focus for creating programs and improving skills. Proven expertise in efficient programming practices, coupled with passion for understanding sys...

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Portfolio Projects


App queries a card from TCGplayer.coms API and populates custom ListView items with the value of the card. Node.js backend server.

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Provides a GridView of movie poster images that when pressed launches activity showing details and ListView of launching video links.

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UI presentation skills demo. Implemented Coordinator Layout, Elevation, Activity Transitions, Scaling Images, Optimize dead space on screen.

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This is a technology coding test example built in 4 hours, not intended to be a visual finished product. Fully functioning UI with proper asynchronous api calls including interfaces to communicate with main thread properly. With more time, "popups" would be visually designed better and "spinners" would popup when waiting for responses from API requests.

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Self published example application showing vivid UI experience. I build this application from scratch showing API technology from the movie database and presenting the information in a visually appealing way to the users.

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