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A competent professional with over 10 years of experience that reflects pioneering expertise & year-on-year success in Software Application Development and Maintenance of projects in verticals like Banking Financial Services and Healthcare. Proficien...
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Portfolio Projects
The application is an Individual Life Product Administration System- 3rd Generation Product Administration
System. The product ranges are managed/serviced in old Mutual in two business process called as New
Business and Existing Business Quotes. New Business is about creation/ issuance of a policy to a client,
Existing Business is the policy servicing i.e. any changes to the existing policy like VPI (Voluntary Premium
Increase), VCI (Voluntary Cover Increase), client detail changes etc.
The process begins with interactions between a client and Old Mutual Intermediaries/Agents/Brokers for a
policy for the client. The Intermediaries/Agents/Brokers collect relevant information/required documents from
the client to identify the risks and suggest suitable policy for the client. There are various Old Mutual Front
Office Applications that the Intermediaries/Agents/ Brokers use to determine the suitable policy (New Business)
and also to make necessary changes to the existing policies for the client (Existing Business). The Front Office
Applications are also used for maintaining the documents/respond to user queries.
Enhancement to be done to the Certificate System of Ameriprise Financials in order to introduce four new
products with different features. The 4 new products namely Step-up rate certificate, Stock market certificate 1
year, Stock Market certificate 2 year, and Stock Market Certificate 3 year were introduced in to the line of the
existing products such as Flexible savings, cash reserve, Stock Market, Market Strategy certificate. The three
new products SMC 1, 2, 3 would mimic the existing SMC for the product features, and a new process of TAX
reporting would be introduced for the same, which would include the 1099OID and 1099B reporting.
The Step-up rate certificate would mimic the flexible savings certificate for the product features, with the
difference being that this certificate would give the flexibility to the client to step their interest rates up with in a
term, for 1 or 2 times depending on the Term chosen, and a new process of TAX reporting would be introduced,
that would be 1099OID reporting.
Express Scripts is America's largest and most trusted prescription drug benefit managers. Express Scripts has
made a commitment to provide prescription drug services to millions of members nationwide. NRx online is an
application which enables users to do prescription entry, refill, reversal etc.
The NRX is responsible for data entry process at the Express Scripts home delivery pharmacies. Express
Scripts is the largest mail order pharmacy system in the United States and fills and hundreds of thousands of
prescriptions every week. Each and every one of these goes through NRX system on its way to the
dispensing stations in the pharmacies.
The Northern Trust Company is a leading provider of specialized financing and asset management services.
We support and maintain their critical path applications used for back office financial accounting. The work for
Hexaware is received in the form of new application development, enhancements in the existing application,
minor preventive maintenance and FIRECALL support. Fee+ calculates, bills, and posts trust custody,
management, and transaction fees for Personal Financial, Corporate & Institutional, and Investment Services
business units provided by client. Fees are based on point-in-time asset valuations, transaction volumes, one-
time services, and flat rates.
The application is an Individual Life Product Administration System- 3rd Generation Product Administration System. The product ranges are managed/serviced in old Mutual in two business process called as New Business and Existing Business Quotes. New Business is about creation/ issuance of a policy to a client, Existing Business is the policy servicing i.e. any changes to the existing policy like VPI (Voluntary Premium Increase), VCI (Voluntary Cover Increase), client detail changes etc. The process begins with interactions between a client and Old Mutual Intermediaries/Agents/Brokers for a policy for the client. The Intermediaries/Agents/Brokers collect relevant information/required documents from the client to identify the risks and suggest suitable policy for the client. There are various Old Mutual Front Office Applications that the Intermediaries/Agents/ Brokers use to determine the suitable policy (New Business) and also to make necessary changes to the existing policies for the client (Existing Business). The Front Office Applications are also used for maintaining the documents/respond to user queries.
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Express Scripts is Americas largest and most trusted prescription drug benefit managers. Express Scripts has made a commitment to provide prescription drug services to millions of members nationwide. NRx online is an application which enables users to do prescription entry, refill, reversal etc. The NRX is responsible for data entry process at the Express Scripts home delivery pharmacies. Express Scripts is the largest mail order pharmacy system in the United States and fills and hundreds of thousands of prescriptions every week. Each and every one of these goes through NRX system on its way to the dispensing stations in the pharmacies.
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The Northern Trust Company is a leading provider of specialized financing and asset management services. We support and maintain their critical path applications used for back office financial accounting. The work for Hexaware is received in the form of new application development, enhancements in the existing application, minor preventive maintenance and FIRECALL support. Fee+ calculates, bills, and posts trust custody, management, and transaction fees for Personal Financial, Corporate & Institutional, and Investment Services business units provided by client. Fees are based on point-in-time asset valuations, transaction volumes, one-time services, and flat rates.
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