About Me
10+ years of Software development experience with native iOS Apps, hybrid Web Apps and Adobe technologies. Worked with multiple iPhone and iPad Apps consumer facing Apps. Domain experience in Cloud solutions, E-Commerce, Banking, Streaming and Soc...
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Portfolio Projects
- Design and develop Memories App for Soluto brand of Asurion.
- Create native galleries of photos view with custom CollectionView for browsing local and Cloud uploaded photos.
- Upload native photos to user cloud account with AWS webServices in batches.
- Use concurrency with GCD Queues to achieve background uploading while giving interactive and smooth User experience.
- Core Data persisting of Hashing of photo and keep in sync with multi device User actions and preferences.
- Persisting metadata on device and Implementing Background Sync for supporting data.
- React Native development for Android and iOS common components. HTML5 based web development for product content.
- Analyze, Profile, Test App. Release App in-house and to App Store. Support live App.
- Design and development of flagship Macys and Bloomingdales iOS App using Cocoa Touch, Objective-C, Swift, Xcode.
- Implementing “Visual Search” feature using Cortexica SDK which includes capturing image, applying filters for recommended products.
- Bringing WishList feature to App, saving, sorting and synching WishLists from other devices.
- CoreLocation, IBM SensorTag bluetooth services integration for In-Stores features within device proximity.
- Swift new development along with legacy Objective-C code bridging.
- Web content development with JavaScript and HTML5 for hybrid content within App.
- Worked on AFNetworking, JSON and REST Web Services, Docker Containers for Simulated Backend, Heroku Hosted Dev Environments.
- UnitTesting with XCTest and OCMock, Sonar Code Coverage, Gerrit for Peer code Reviews.
- Analytics, Crash Analysis and In-House Distribution for both Apps with Jenkins, TestFlight, Crittercism, Fabrics, IBM Coremetrics, IBM BLE SensorTag, TvOS and MacOS integration POCs.
- Created iPad App iMeet from ground up for product iMeet which Includes audio and video conferencing along with multi user live meeting utilities.
- Creating iOS native App from design, documenting, coding, testing, distributing, publishing and supporting updates in multiple iTunes store.
- Use of FFMPEG for dynamic video encoding and decoding for video upload and download for conferencing iPad App iMeet.
- Creating In-House Mac App with iOS App feature sets.
- App-Store and In-House App distribution of App handling iTunes Connect.
- Debug, test, profile, analyze Apps for hardware and battery performance, network and data security, using XCode Instruments, simulators, and third party tools.
- Enhancing and supporting Wells Fargo iOS iPhone and iPad App in Objective-C, XCode, Cocoa Touch.
- Integrating WellsTrade platform with consumer iOS App with Hybrid web content.
- iOS Security framework utilization for secure banking App practices.
- MapKit and Push Notification integration in iOS and iPad Apps.
- Hybrid Web content development in JavaScript and HTML5.
- Testing App with device testing and business rules test cases.
- Profile, analyze, tune iOS App for better performance, GDB debugging.
- Enhancing and supporting DIRECTV App(DVR Scheduler ) for Set-top box. iPhone native App feature design and enhancements, documenting, coding, testing and supporting DIRECTV app.
- Implementing custom Scanner SDK for marketing promotions within App.
- Working with HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), AVFoundation, MPMoviePlayerController, H.264 Compression, AVURLAsset for Video Streaming.
- Social SDKs support in Apps with Facebook, Twitter and linking third party features libraries for Apps on iOS devices.
- Debug, Test, Profile, Analyze Apps for User Scalability and Device Network Conditions with Devices using XCode Instruments, Shark Network Sniffer and Profilers, Automated Tools and Scripts.
- Creating iOS native App from design, documenting, coding, testing, distributing, publishing and supporting updates in iTunes store, TestFlight and In-house Enterprise Distribution.
- Use of MapKit for location specific search features and suggestions to users.
- Local and remote notifications handling and implementation with custom notification payload and navigating app behavior with data in payload.
- Creating multithreaded Apps on ARC and Non-ARC environments with GCD, Operation Queues and blocks. following practices for tight memory constraint, reference counted memory management and potential leaks prevention.
- Creating hybrid Apps with developing partial feature sets in HTML5, Javascript and CSS while bridging UI and data between native App and web containers.
- Creating iOS SDKs and frameworks for third party use of sub features of App. Flurry SDK integration.
- Test, profile, analyze Apps for hardware performance Enhancements, battery performance, network and data security.