About Me
Researched and evaluated a distributed financial assets tracking framework based on Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric blockchain implementations (C#, C++, Angular, Solidity, web3.js). Designed and developed a client-server application for visual financ...
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Portfolio Projects
• Researched and evaluated a distributed power & utility assets tracking framework based on Ethereum and Hyperledger
Fabric blockchain implementations (C#, C++, Angular, Solidity, web3.js).
• Designed and developed a client-server application for Princeton Power Systems (PPS) visual device configuration and
simulation process, which is used to control and operate battery management systems (BMS), grids, photovoltaic panels,
inverters, power meters, etc. (C#, WinForms, .NET Framework 4.5, C++, REST API, Angular.js, Kendo, go.js).
• Developed communication mechanism for analysis of the data logs, sensors readings which enabled model inputs to be
changed on the fly to reflect calculations in real time (ASP.NET WebAPI, AngularJS, SignalR).
• Designed API and integrated IronPython into the solution that enabled users to write custom Python scripts that act as add-
in modules to provide any additional custom functionality.
• Developed efficient Matlab wrapper API (C++/C#) for integration of custom Matlab Function Blocks, S-Functions and
Simulink models into the main calculation process flow.
• Created an interactive app (C#, WinForms, MySql, AngularJS) utilizing BMS CAN bus protocol to control and validate
operation of energy storage modules based on BMW EV lithium-ion battery packs and PPS inverters, which was part of a joint
project between University of California San Diego, BMW USA, BMW Germany and Princeton Power Systems.
• Researched and evaluated a new back-end payment processing system for Speedpay division of Western Union (WU).
Converted legacy Delphi and VB based modules to C# (.NET Framework 3.5 and SQL Server 2008). Wrote ACH and Funds
Distribution processes (C#) to generate NACHA conformant files from Speedpay proprietary formats.
• Developed custom applications for generating payments settlement files for various WU clients that are using Speedpay
system for processing ACH, Credit Card and ATM transactions (C#/SQL, .NET Framework 3.5)
• Wrote custom WU back-end payments import processes for Geico (geico.com) which validated Speedpay records against
Geico settlement files, based on which payments had to be either reversed, voided or settled; used Paylinx
(CyberSource/Visa) API to handle these transactions (C#/C++).
• Integrated Tableau Server API in order to generate data extracts and provide convenient dashboards and data
visualizations of the fully customizable automated workflow solutions that is provided as a service for external clients
• Optimized Princeton Power Systems (princetonpower.com) proprietary power conversion AC-Link control algorithm for VSD
(Variable Speed Drives), solar inverters and military ships degaussing systems. Wrote FPGA VHDL code to support various
sensors readings, DSP processor interrupts and PWM signal generation to control power switching devices such as SCRs and
IGBTs (Xilinx Spartan 3E, TI TMS320C6413).
• Designed schematics and new PCB layout (Altium Designer) of a remote VSD controller. Modified embedded C code (8051
processor) to reflect the required functionality enhancements and schematic updates.
• Integrated and programmed Siemens PLC modules, as well as MODBUS- and PROFIBUS-to-fiber optic converters.
• Enhanced Knite’s (knite.com) electronic ignition control unit (PIC Assembler/C, MPLAB) which was designed to manage a
new type of automotive plasma spark plug ignition system.
• Developed C++/Java based software package that enabled a remote real time KVM (keyboard-video-mouse) and serial
access to KVM servers. Application allowed a user to view and control remote targets (servers, PCs, power boards, etc.)
connected to a KVM server. A server side frame-grabber and embedded software were used to capture, digitize, compress
the video signal and transmit to a remote client.
• Designed an XML based proprietary client-server communication protocol.
• Converted C++ KVM application to Java to allow use across different platforms. The Java based client utilized the JNI
mechanism in order to integrate low level keyboard-video-mouse libraries, written in C, with Java Swing UI.