About Me
Professional Summary
- Strong decision-maker with more than a decade of experience in software engineering and application development.
- Effective coach and mentor and committed to lead...
- Effective coach and mentor and committed to leading exceptionally gifted teams.
- Work closely with both teams and customers to identify most efficient and beneficial solutions for process improvement.
- Migrated a .Net based on-prem application to AWS:
On-Prem Application description:
- The Application was written in .Net / C# and used and used enterprise edition of MS-SQL server with SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) features.
- Application authenticates users against Azure AD.
- The application generates and sends report files to customer, which are complex in nature and used 3rd party library to generate the report, whenever customer request for the report.
- The application also depends on few on prem systems like ERP, CRM etc to ingest some data from these systems at required interval.
- The application doesn’t expose to internet and is completely private and accessible from internal network only.
Solution Provided:
- Hosted the application on AWS Windows Server instance.
- Used AWS RDS service to host SQL server database.
- Redeveloped the report module as using SSRS was cost effective option.
- Written a Lambda function to connect to on-prem AD and fetched the list of users, and created a table in SQL Database to authenticate users against it.
- Scheduled the Lambda function to refresh the user database at regular interval to keep the user list updated.
- Used Direct Connect for connection between AWS and on-prem resources.
- Configured NAT Gateway to connect to Azure AD.
- Written Lambda function to generate the reports using 3rd party libraries.
- Stored the output on S3 and made an entry into database pointing to S3 object and sent messages using SQS.
- Only NAT Gateway in public subnet and rest all resources in private subnet, so that no resource is exposed to internet.
Core Strengths:
- AWS Solution Design and Automation (DevOps)
- Hands on in AWS Lambda, AWS Cloud Formation and AWS automation using Node.js,
- Azure Automation (PowerShell script)
- People management skills, managing a team of data analysts and developers.
- Good understanding of ITIL, SDLC, Quality management.
- C#, and VBA, VSTO, PHP, Python, VBScript
- Good interpersonal, networking & collaboration skills.
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Portfolio Projects
An application for a Yoga Trainer who conducts online training session and uses ZOOM video for conducting classes. The application provides features such as checking the classes undertaken by a member, fee payment and validity period, allows users to join ZOOM session after logging into application, creation of ZOOM meeting for each different sessions (using ZZOM API integration), Class reminders, membership expiration reminders,
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- A docker containerised application developed in Java with spring framework hosted on AWS infra, for patient management system, Used MySQL RDS instance for appointment management, and various list management, used NoSQL DynamoDB for storing prescription and investigation details. S3 storage was used for keeping images of various image-based reports. S3 object lifecycle policy is used to move the older reports to different tiers of S3 storage for cost saving purpose. The application is designed using microservice architecture. The application sits behind an ALB for better performance management.
- A portal for tracking and updating Critical Incident Management. It captures new CIM (Critical Incident Management) requirement and RCA (Root Cause Analysis Preparation (Semi Automated).
- The data captured and analysed helps engineers in resolving any issuee in future that may have similar criteria.
The application consolidated data received as an attachment in mailbox through the mails triggered by SNOW ticketing Tool. The application was designed for a Shared Service Model of an IT Infrastructure service provider. The data received had a different structure for each client therefore a field mapping was used to standardize the data received, the billing structure also used a pricing mechanism for minimum and maximum billing along with the devise / servic count and ticket severity count. An approximate of more than 100 matrix were used to calculate the billing amount.
Before implementation of this application the billing accuracy was below 75% and thus causing a huge revenue loss for the project. After the application is implemented the billing accuracy has increased to 98%.
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Using ASP as front End and MS-SQL as back-end to store encrypted password. This tool also provide feature to add or remove user / system information, if the user has an admin right. Upon creation / modification of new entity triggers a mail to intended recipient and admin group.
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An escalation matrix management application for a call centr to alert and allow next level of Help Desk Engineer in resolving a call, the application monitors the duration of a call and alerts the next level enginerr when the SLA durations reaches 90% of alloted time and the escalation triggers for each next level of technical management on attaing 90% of level wise SLA. The last point of Escalation meing the Top management lvel of th project.
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An application written in Visual Basic to record rapid share transactions by job workers in a group of 3-4 jobbers, the purpose of the application was to record the actual traded quantity whether buy & sale by the jobbers and maintain an outstanding Share Balance which needs to be sqared off by end of day and calculate the group profit / loss at the end of day. The share transaction were captured using a virtual printer assigned to a custom createdd port.
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Factory Inventory management for Raw Material & Finished Products. The application was written to track & manag the inventory for 2 different factories with 2 different products of different nature and ingredients. In one factory laminates were produced with different thickeness and paper styles and other raw matierials where as in second factory HDP wooven sacks were produced ( The size and quality of sacks being different and so raw materials used were also different in quality quantity etc.)
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A documentation application written in Visual Basic to record Export Orders , Generate Proforma Invoice, Export Invoice various Banking Documents etc. Backend database used was MS SQL server. Microsoft Word was used to create documentations (Prepared with code written in Visual Basic).
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Application was written in Clipper for a Hire Purchase & Leasing Finance Company. The company used to take deposits from Public for vaious periods and provided interest on diffrent matrix, For Hire Purchase various matrix were used to calculate th Finance charges and interest thereon.
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