About Me
- 8+ Years of experience in designing & developing User Interface applications, integrating with various Databases.
- Experience in using IDE's like XCode and Version Control Systems like SVNx, Source Tree, GitHub, Stash and Bit b...
- Ability to be an individual contributor or to work in a team of developers.
- Strong troubleshooting and problem-solving skills.
- Direct interaction with the clients and testing teams.
- Excellent Cocoa/CocoaTouch and Objective-C, Swift coding ability with XCode for iOS (iPhone/iPad)
- Experienced in Native Mobile Application development with Social Media platform integrations
- Worked on various domains like Healthcare, Enterprise Domains.
- Extensive experience in Consuming REST/SOAPWeb Services and APIs
- Extensive experience in iPhone & iPod Touch application development
- Experienced in Mobile Application Development using UIKit, Core Foundation with Cocoa touch
- Expertise in MVC and MVVM design architecture, Cocoa design patterns and concepts like delegation, protocols and categories
- Strong commitment to organizational work ethics, value based decision-making and managerial skills
- Ability to work in multiple platforms and quick learner of new languages.
- Experience in CI/CD (Continuous integration/Continuous delivery)
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Portfolio Projects
- Leading the team, designing the mobile architecture.
- Development from scratch besides guiding the team.
- Adding new functionalities and enhancements.
- Bug fixes and Performance Improvements.
- Releasing the application to App Store
Note: It's a product developed for mutliple cities with CISCO collabaration
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