About Me
I am a huge FL Studio geek and it becomes a haven for me to spend my idle time producing music and remixing songs....
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Portfolio Projects
The project was a mixture of Android app development and embedded electronics. The whole project was a demonstration of a localized Bluetooth network system that was independent of any internet. It's intended use was to deliver notifications and messages that neededto be highly private/personal and should be left no trace of. The system also was capable of forming a localized Bluetooth network with custom Bluetooth enabled devices to be easily automated with them. The whole process required good knowledge of programming Arduino chips, X-Bee RF chips and HC-05 Bluetooth chips, along with creating dedicate android apps to send and receive messages and signals of automation. The android app worked both as a server and a client, but one at a time, depending on who is connected to the transmitter side, and who is connected to the receiver side.
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This was a mini-project that I made for a client which was a one-app-multiple-message sender. The app consisted of a single text field in which the message was typed. Depending on the options user selected, the message was sent via many channels, i.e. sms, whatsapp, email etc. The app also consisted of receiving the messages via one of the multiple means. The app also enabled the user to call the number with the user he was currently in conversation with.
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To put it simply, the app was intended to be a helping hand for students who spend redundant time in useless calculations. The app looked like a normal calculator, but consisted of following functions:
- All the functions of a traditional scientific app
- HCF, LCM Calculator
- Prime Factors Calculator
- Check whether the number is prime or not
- Calculate the nearest perfect square (both larger and smaller)
- Calculate the nearest perfect cube (both larger and smaller)
- Finding solutions to various types of equations like linear equations, quadratic equations, etc.
- Solving matrics etc.
The project is a Windows UI/UX that enables a lawyer/advocateto get a summarized version of huge judgments that they spend unnecessary time reading and getting the crux of. The software was based on some NLP technologies like Gensim and Spacy. The software outputted
- A summarized version of the judgment that was about 25% of the original document.
- Main take-home points from the summary
- List of Petitioners and Respondents
I have been assigned as a mobile developer for the complete ERP that belongs to one of the biggest chain of schools running in India, namely, Akal Academy. The ERP consists of both website and mobile interfaces and I am working on everything that relates to mobile.
The project uses Android Studio and Flutter along with technologies like Firebase and Google Maps API.
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In my employment under DoxBird Solutions, I am working on Visitor Management Systemthat helps any company or firm to manage, record and deal with visitors that arrive at theirpremise. The application I am working on is the complete mobile aspect of a larger databasewhich also runs a corresponding website.
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This was a machine-test that I worked on. It involved students to log in/register themselveson a database with their course/school details along with their profile pictures. All theinformation/data of the students were stored in a database and anytime any student triedto log in, the information was fetched from the server and displayed in a dedicated activity.I used Android Studio and Firebase for this
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This is an android app I have created for personal use. Because I also run an Instagram page,I need 7-15 randomly selected related hashtags to put in every post. The app contains ahuge list of related hashtags in internal storage and selects some 7-15 random hashtagsevery time I press the Shuffle button. The app also allows new hashtags to be added in thelist.I used Android Studio and SQLite for this.
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This was my major project in M.Sc. Electronics. The project was also accompanied by lots ofhardware. The purpose of the project was to automate devices within a large area (auniversity premised for example). The hardware used some wireless devices which weresupposed to be connected to an Android phone that acted as a master. And for that reason,a dedicated app was required that enabled the user of the master phone to toggle devicesremotely by the press of a button on his phone.We used hardware like Arduino, XBee, HC-06 etc. along with Android Studio to useBluetoothManager to connect to devices via Bluetooth.
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This was the final project of my PG Diploma course in NIELIT (Calicut). The project usedArtificial Intelligence to detect and classify the species of the bird in a given picture. Themodel was trained for 8 different species of birds using 1000 different images collectedfrom all over the internet.We used OpenCV, Machine Learning (ScikitLearn Library) written in Python for this project
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