Senior Software Engineer

Kollam , India

Experience: 12 Years


Kollam , India

Senior Software Engineer

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  • Start Date / Notice Period end date:

12 Years

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About Me

Senior Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience in software development mainly in Android, Java, and J2EE related technologies. Interested in working in a creative and challenging environment to apply technical skills and contribute to organiza...

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Portfolio Projects

A messaging platform that helps educators, students and parents send messages


• Actively involved in mock screen development and project start-up phase. • Managed tasks within Agile framework • Involved design, development and testing of the application . • Successfully deploy


Amrita Hello Guardian App is a messaging platform that helps educators, students, parents and other users send quick, simple messages. This app helps in School and Parent Communication. Teachers can mark the daily attendance of the students in a flash using the mobile. The attendance history is stored in the server and the parents can view this on a daily/monthly basis. Instant notification can be sent to parents in case of absence .Also attendance statistics can be analyzed from beautiful graphical representation.

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Improve Adults Education


• Actively involved in mock screen development and project start-up phase • Managed tasks within Agile framework • Involved design, development and testing of the application • Integrated Firebase m


A personalized learning app along with engaging, culturally appropriate e-content linked to life skills. One of five finalists advancing in the $7 million Barbara Bush Foundation Adult Literacy XPRIZE presented by Dollar General Literacy Foundation. The Adult Literacy XPRIZE is a global competition, challenging teams to develop a mobile application for existing smart devices that results in the greatest increase in literacy skills among participating adult learners

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Amrita’s health-awareness and monitoring program


• Responsible for development of all application components and UI resources. • Played a key role in writing application logic. • Integrated Firebase Authentication, base Realtime Database, Firebase


Amrita Jeevanam is a low-cost medical device that combines a medical device,an interface device,and mobile device all configured with Amrita’s health-awareness and monitoring program

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• Responsible for development of all application components and UI resources. • Played a key role in writing application logic. • Worked on content provider and SQLite database design


“TraffickingAware” is designed to educate users about the different types of human trafficking and prevention of its crimes. This interactive game acquaints people with the various kinds and stages of trafficking- from recruitment to exploitation to escape. The app presents different scenarios in real life, leading one from recognizing types of trafficking, facing the virtual consequences of one’s choices, and showing how those choices can be avoided. Familiarizing users with potential dangers, the app enables them to recognize similar situations in everyday life and protect themselves and people around them.


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The J2EE based web-based software application involved computerization of all aspects of the railway system. It included a comprehensive package of eighteen modules for day to day working of all the departments. These modules cater to all the basic jobs to be done by the personnel of each department. This enables not only the automation of the basic activities but also capturing of the data at the action points. It is much beyond a transactional processing system and helps in the decision making also.

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The Computer based Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation based on Adaptive Assessment Techniques automated the CCE process. This reduced the workload of teachers and helped them concentrate more on the students' overall development. Created a set of evaluations for core subjects like Maths, Science, and English, covering Class 9 and 10, that are multimedia-based Formative Assessments mapped to CBSE and the State syllabus. Developed an ICT-based interactive Assessment delivery system in a student-friendly interface to administer assessments online and on demand, both securely and dependably. Developed a Monitoring and Mentoring model and extensive computerized record-keeping for teachers and student performance to ensure sustainability of CCE. Developed a unique numbering mechanism for each student entering the education system and track their performance throughout the school years.

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Virtual Labs is a project initiated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, under the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology. The project aims to provide remote-access to Laboratories in various disciplines of science and engineering for students at all levels from undergraduate to research.

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The application aims to provide to Laboratories in various disciplines of science and engineering students at all levels from undergraduate to research.

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Computer-based Medical Simulations that will allow students pursuing medical sciences to visualize, learn, practice, and experience a variety of medical skills and procedures. MedSim allows features such as deliberate practice and feedback for skills development, exposure to difficult to visualize procedures, protocols, and case studies using virtual patient cases.

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