About Me
SkillsSwift, SwiftUI, Objective CiOS, Apple Watch OSSOLID PrinciplesDesign PatternsArchitecture Patters (MVC,Coordinator, MVVM, VIPER)Firebase(FirestoreDB)Agile MethodologiesCI/CDGitUnit TestingRxSwift/RxCocoaJiraTrello...
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Portfolio Projects
This was an inHouse iPhone app developed in Objective C for John Deere. This app helps the Supervisors to assign work to the foremen available at the incident sites.
My contribution was to bridge the gap between the consultant and the developer to focus on the possiblity of the app structure based on the available backend data. Once the gap was notified necessary changes were done by me to complete the development phase of the app.
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City Guard was an iPhone app developed in Objective C. This application was developed for the Abu Dhabi residents to report incidents that needs action, say potholes, accident, etc.
My contribution in this app was to compress the recorded incident video and send it to the backend for the records. I was also responsible forfixing bugs for this app.
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