About Me
Precise, self-motivated & strong quantitative & interpersonal skill. Result oriented, self-driven, highly motivated, with never ending desire to learn new technologies, methodologies, strategies and processes. Excited to work in an organization that ...
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Portfolio Projects
Custom Credit Management application is a Business Process Automation tool developed single handed.
It is designed to dynamically block delivery or shipment of customer with risk category set for the required credit control area, sales organization, sales office and shipping point which are set dynamically.
An information mail is sent followed by the block to the respective sales team. Action can be taken from the mail (e.g. outlook) by respective teams.
Each action taken, affects the further processing of the documents. Action can be taken on the blocked documents from the ALV report also.
Created a replica of Financial Statements Report F.01 and F.08 by adding business place along with the existing fields.
Schedules background jobs to update custom table replicating standard GLT0 with business place, which runs at start of every day, updating the billing done for the previous day.