About Me
Experienced Software Engineer with expertise in C .Net, WPF, Azure, AWS, Xamarin, .Net MAUI, ASP.Net Web API, Flutter, and DART. Skilled in mobile development, cloud management, test-driven development, and Agile methodology....
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Portfolio Projects
Description: Fleet app connects the Pump dispenser via Bluetooth and dispense the Oil based on inputs and Payments also integrated with transaction
Role & Responsibilities:
- Team member.
- Prototype development.
- Processes followed through Agile and Jira.
- Identify programming requirements based on project briefs.
- Coding business logic.
- Designing UI.
- UAT and Production support.
- Requirement gathering directly from client.
Technology: C# with Xamarin Forms, UWP, SQLite , Prism, REST based service integration using json, Google Map Integration, Jira, Git, Stash, App Center Integration.
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Description: Fleetboard manager app helps the customer to see the truck information from Telematics machine like CO2 Consumption etc. and shows on app. This app helps customer to contact organization for any other queries.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Team member.
- Prototype development.
- Processes followed through Agile and Jira.
- Identify programming requirements based on project briefs.
- Coding business logic.
- Designing UI.
- UAT and Production support.
- Requirement gathering directly from client.
Technology: C# with Xamarin Forms, SQLite (Akavache DB), IoT , Prism, REST based service integration using protobuf, Jira, Git, Stash, XUnit, Jenkins(Continuous Integration), TDD, Acceptance Test, Test Cloud, Gherkin Language, Sync fusion Graphs and Hockey App Integration.
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Description: Fleetboard Driver app guides the driver to follow all rules and regulations present in Europe and it also locates driver’s exact location & driving tour information’s.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Team member.
- Prototype development.
- Processes followed through Agile and Jira.
- Identify programming requirements based on project briefs.
- Coding business logic.
- Designing UI.
- UAT and Production support.
- Requirement gathering directly from client.
Technology: C# with Xamarin Forms, UWP, SQLite (Akavache DB), IoT , Prism, REST based service integration using json, Jira, Git, Stash, XUnit, Jenkins(Continuous Integration), TDD, Acceptance Test, Test Cloud, Gherkin Language, Micro charts, Skiasharp and Hockey App Integration.
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Description: Milk app helps the farmers to collect the milk information and app calculates the milk nutrition’s and provides value to the milk. Milk app have the local database, Farmers can save the data and he can see the data whenever is essential. Milk app can be used in both online and offline, auto sync and auto save facility provided when the user is online. Milk app Database sync (from main to local db) functionality added for the inspector to see new lab samples. App supports for Android and iOS platforms.
Role & Responsibilities:
- Team member.
- Prototype development.
- Identify programming requirements based on project briefs.
- Coding business logic.
- Designing UI.
- UAT and Production support.
- Requirement gathering directly from client.
Technology: C# with Xamarin Forms, UWP, SQLite, MVVM, Insights and REST based service integration.
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Milk app helps the farmers to collect the milk information and app calculates the milk nutritions and provides value to the milk. Milk app have the local database, Farmers can save the data and he can see the data whenever is essential. Milk app can be used in both online and offline, auto sync and auto save facility provided when the user is online. Milk app Database sync (from main to local db) functionality added for the inspector to see new lab samples. App supports for Android and iOS platforms.
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CANForage app helps the inspector to collect the information from commercial customer for lab samples. CANForage app have the local database, Inspector can save the data and he can see the data whenever is essential. CANForage app can be used in both online and offline, auto sync and auto save facility provided when the user is online. CANForage app Database sync (from main to local db) functionality added for the inspector to see new lab samples. App supports for Android and iOS platforms.
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CANDiary app helps the inspector to collect the information from farmers staying at remote areas. CANDiary app have the local database, Inspector can save the data and he can see the data whenever is essential. CANDiary app can be used in both online and offline, auto sync and auto save facility provided when the user is online. CANDiary app Database sync (from main to local db) functionality added for the inspector to see new assignment. App supports for Android and iOS platforms.
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Construction App is used for monitoring all construction-based projects by the LiRo Inspectors, it has features of taking pictures of certain task completion and their report generation. We also added the Database sync between Web service and our app, auto sync and auto save functionality is also added for app. CANDiary app have the local database, Inspector can save the data and he can see the data whenever is essential. LiRO app can be used in both online and offline, auto sync and auto save facility provided when the user is online.
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Secure Keypad is single visual screen that can be used to enter the secure input data. It will load the custom keypad view for the text inputs in place of the device default keypad. The main objective of creating Secure Keypad to handle the user input data in a secure way.
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Tab based windows restaurant application which reduces hotel booking traffic. Sales Manager will go to customer and collect all information related booking to avoid Queue. Payment option, Invoice Generation is also included in the app. History of the invoice and booking are maintained in the app.
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Multi Choice has growth science 1983 in South Africa operating in 30 countries on six continents .It has been driven by customer needs to operate efficiently in an environment .It gives service to customer requests using Siebel Call Centre 7.8.In Multi Choice having the 6 centres to hub sites covering throughout world. The Multi Choice services are divided in to various modules named reactive, interactive and proactive. This project provides the customer service with maintaining their billing through IBS systems. Involved in Data Clean-up, Magazine Indicator clean up, Free Wi-Fi, Xtraview, Online Till, Online Card Transaction, CSI Logs, Multiview, Self-care service, Auto-Reconnect, Scheduler, HD channels and Auto-Hold etc. IBS projects. Data Clean-up: Address intelli-search (Google Search) for South Africa. Magazine Indicator clean-up: Not receives magazines who has not eligible (Account status closed, Undelivered Magazines, Proper product etc.) Free Wi-Fi: Providing Free Wi-Fi for Platinum customers and this application is integrated with DSTv connect and M-Web Free Wi-Fi provider Xtraview: 2 digital (TV) view on same price and same time. Online Till: Customer Payment related query system. Online Card Transaction: Transaction through card and integrated this application with ABSA Bank. CSI Logs: TV signal are through digital communication through CSI Logs Multiview: 2 or more digital (TV) view on same price and same time. Self-care service: Provided the service to w2gk for their development. Auto-Reconnect: Automatic Reconnection of products after successful billing. Scheduler: Scheduled disconnect / Reconnect / Upgrade / Downgrade on particular time. Auto-Hold: Automatic disconnection of service for overdue balance customers. HD Channels: Implementation of HD channels and its CSI Logs.
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