About Me
- Over 10+ years of professional experience in UI/HTML development.
- UI development for Websites, Web applications, Hybrid applications.
- Cross browser compatibility like IE, Mozilla, Safari, Chrome. <...
Portfolio Projects
- Developing various user interactions UI components for Angular 7 PWA web-based applications.
- Customize app manifest json file.
- Save data in IndexedDB when offline and sync with Firebase console when online.
- Build app and deploy server using with https domain.
- Add Lighthouse and Analysis PWA app
- Run Lighthouse in Chrome and improve report.
Environment: Angular 7 PWA, IndexedDB, Bootstrap 4, JSON, JavaScript [ECMAScript 6].
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- Developing various user interactions UI for web-based training applications.
- Custom UI mockups for required screen with client-side functionality.
- Developing with HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JSON and JavaScript.
- Create custom JSON and fetching JSON data using JQuery
Environment: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JQuery, JSON, JavaScript.
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- Developing various animation effects to use in web based training applications.
- Developing Custom Tool to generate code for different animations.
- Developing Application with HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, and AngularJS 1.6.
- Creating different animation example library for developer with required code Snippet.
Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Greensock TweenMax library, AngularJS 1.6, Nodejs, NPM.
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