Portfolio Projects
A simple but interesting game using web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a dice game involving two players. The game rules were implemented as well as an option was also included which allows the user to change the maximum score anytime during the game.
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The project uses machine learning to predict the sale price of houses for buyers or sellers. The data was pre-processed, outliers were removed, missing data was treated and feature engineering was performed. Different machine learning models were used to perform predictions on the dataset and performance of each model was observed using metrics as MAE, MSE and R2 score.
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Trend and Price of stocks are predicted using Support vector machines, Graphical Analysis of the stock trend provided for user to analyse and compare the stocks of different companies. Sentiment Analysis on Twitter data is performed to get the public outlook about the company. The forecasting of the price and trend are used to generate appropriate advice for the user so as to minimize the risk.
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