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Looking for employment with your company as an Android Developer to utilize skills in coding and working with a team or individually....
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Portfolio Projects
Recently i made iHRMS app for all Punjab State govt. employees. 1. Security audit of app. (AES encryption/decr. ,Native Library for obfuscation,TokenGenration,SHA-256 for login ). 2. Asp.net used for server side making API’s with c sharp. 3. Google captcha, Otp verifying both side, Read any QR code, Retrofit. Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.project.manavsampada.hrms.bab Same app made in Flutter for IOS and android users.
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I have design and develop the app alonely.
News app has Services like : Push notification using firebase from server , Get Location. Youtube player and its Api for chanel videos ,Google add ts, Anayltics ,Login with facebook,google. Database both local with sqlite, and sql for server data. Pagination, Customise Recyclerview Adapter ,M3u8 Live video feed .
Php is server side.
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Both are school apps provide one time login for student or parent after logout it demand login. Below login you can see schools website in dialog on same activity using web view. After Successful login fragments are there for view pager (showing running images from server ) and below rest app ways using attracting icon from awesome website. All pages contains background task for prevent app to stop for long running process in main thread. Using Image loader library for sorting images in memory cache for fast loading images from server.
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Both are school apps provide one time login for student or parent after logout it demand login. Below login you can see schools website in dialog on same activity using web view. After Successful login fragments are there for view pager (showing running images from server ) and below rest app ways using attracting icon from awesome website. All pages contains background task for prevent app to stop for long running process in main thread. Using Image loader library for sorting images in memory cache for fast loading images from server.
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People can take loan for various schemes under govt. and pay online for their particular instalments of loan. App contain: Recycler View, Card View, Languages English, Hindi as user feel free to use, Json for server data. Volley Library for network calling. Picasso, Glide and Image Loader using for sorting images from server without losing quality. Php for server side language.MySql for server side database SharedPrefrences for saving data to device for client side. EBS sdk module for payment gateway.
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Model like famous shopping app Club Factory. (Same as it is.) Totally dynamic app contains categories and subcategories dynamic views on runtime.(Latest Studio version with higher latest API) Material designing components , like coordinator parent layout for bottom sheet behaviour , floating action buttons NestedScrollView, AppbarLayout for customize toolbar behaviour .View Pager, Page indicator. App contain: Pagination, Recycler View, Card View, and Json for server data. Clear, add dynamically views runtime refresh adapter. Login with Facebook, Google .Search Filters from server data. Volley Library for network calling. Picasso, Glide and Image Loader using for sorting images from server without losing quality. Php for server side language. Sql for server side database SQlite for saving data to device for client side.Sdk Module for payment gateway.
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Recently I made news portal app named ANV NEWS which published in play store. News app has Services like : Push notification using firebase from server , Get Location . YouTube player and its Api for channel videos, Google adds, Analytics, Login with Facebook, Google. Database both local with sqlite, and sql for server data. Pagination, Customize Recycler view Adapter, M3u8 Live video feed. ANVNEWS. (Download and watch).
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Currently working with NIC Punjab (MGSIPA) Make HRMS app for all Punjab govt. employees. 1. Security audit of app. (AES encryption in client side same technique used in server side for decryption). 2. Asp.net used for server side making APIs with c sharp. 3. Google captcha, Otp verifying both side, Read any QR code, Retrofit. 4. Token verification on both side(custom rather then JWT )changes for every call. 5. SHA256 implemented for handshaking.
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