About Me
Senior Software Engineer with a broad set of skills applicable across different sectors and roles. Having a progressive experience in Ecommerce Application and payment system & can deal with business, performing well in high-pressure, competitive env...
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Portfolio Projects
Working as Senior Software Engineer under Performance, Reliability and Scalability team in Cognizant on Payment Systems managed by OpenShift.
Performance Testing and Sizing -
- Executing load, endurance, benchmark tests and non-functional tests including failover, load balance, Spike, Overload, Reconnection, Packet drop, etc.
Performance Tuning and Optimizations -
- JVM tuning recommendations, Log levels, Server & DB tuning recommendations, etc.
- AWR report analysis, Query tuning and Explain plan analysis.
- Working in the various database like Couchbase, Cassandra to drill down the performance issue.
- Working in Microservice architecture and benchmarking the product with Horizontal and Vertical scaling of clusters.
- Ensure Desired throughput is achieved as per SLA with proper monitoring of server performance counters.
- Validate application and platform resiliency by simulating Chaos conditions such CPU spike, service unavailability, etc.
System Diagnostics -
- Application profiling to find hot methods and where time is being spent, recommendations for overall system scalability, optimizing heap & addressing any contentions.
- Hands-on experience in load testing, performance monitoring, and profiling tools like JMeter, JVisual, JConsole, JMC, JProfiler, Dynatrace, Grafana and Kibana.
- Ensure that end to end performance test is executed with various load tests in scope such as Benchmark, Load, Endurance and Stress.
- Proficient in heap and thread dump analysis, analyzing AWR, JFR, application profile snapshot
- Automating APIs with CI/CD using Jenkins and Bamboo
- Proficient in Programming languages and Scripting languages like Java, Python and Shell script
- Source Code Management tools – Bitbucket
- Selenium for Client-side performance metric collection.
- Planning, deploying and managing the testing effort for any given engagement.
Knowledge Engine is an application to identify,organise and manage its wide range of intellectual assets and allows organization to both promote a knowledge sharing culture and learn internally and build its reputation as thought leader to influence externally.An azure application architecture was designed to fully fit the requirement of this system.
Role & Responsibility :
- Building up and leading the Testing Team to the success of project
- Defining the scope of testing within the context of each release / delivery
- Deploying and managing resources for testing.
- Applying the appropriate test measurements and metrics in the product and the Testing Team.
- Planning, deploying and managing the testing effort for any given engagement.
- Prepared Test Strategies,Test Cases,Test Scripts,Test Results for Positive & Negative Scenarios & Mapped it to requirements.
- Identify suggestions for performance tuning.
Technology & Tools :
- API,Microservices,Dotnet,Jmeter,Browserstack,PostMan,Grafana
Setting up & Leading the team which involves quality & test advocacy, resource planning & management and resolution of issues that impede the testing effort.
Role & Responsibility :
- Building up and leading the Testing Team to the success of project
- Defining the scope of testing within the context of each release / delivery
- Deploying and managing resources for testing
- Applying the appropriate test measurements and metrics in the product and the Testing Team
- Planning, deploying and managing the testing effort for any given engagement.
- Prepared Test Strategies,Test Cases,Test Scripts,Test Results for Positive & Negative Scenarios & Mapped it to requirements.
Technology & Tools :
- Microservices,MySql,Kafka,Netstorm,AppDynamics,PostMan,Grafana,Kibana
We have started to work on a SaaS model for which we tested the redis time series,kafka so based on it we can upscale that much vm’s of redis and kafka during the test.
Ldap was included for authentication during server login and can be managed by a single person i.e. admin.I have worked on ldap integration and setup with our tools.
Role & Responsibility :
- Creating,Deploying and managing VM’s cluster for redis and kafka.
- Defining the scope of testing within the context of each release / delivery.
- Applying the appropriate test measurements and metrics in the product and the Testing Team.
- Planning, deploying and managing the testing effort for any given engagement.
Technology & Tools :
- Netstorm,cmon,redis,kafka,ldap server and client.
Alternate PickUp and Text Notification for account domain was an extended feature on kohls.com which helps users to change their delivery option i.e. billing and shipping addresses,contact details and even details of customers to whom the item will be handed over.
Setting up & Leading the team which involves quality & test advocacy, resource planning & management and resolution of issues that impede the testing effort.
Role & Responsibility :
- Building up and leading the Testing Team to the success of project
- Defining the scope of testing within the context of each release / delivery
- Deploying and managing resources for testing
- Applying the appropriate test measurements and metrics in the product and the Testing Team
- Planning, deploying and managing the testing effort for any given engagement.
Technology & Tools :
- Web Service,MySql,Netstorm,Net Diagnostics,PostMan.
Kafka Re-Architecture :
Setting up & Leading the team which involves quality & test advocacy, resource planning & management and resolution of issues that impede the testing effort.
Role & Responsibility :
- Building up and leading the Testing Team to the success of project
- Defining the scope of testing within the context of each release / delivery
- Deploying and managing resources for testing
- Applying the appropriate test measurements and metrics in the product and the Testing Team
- Planning, deploying and managing the testing effort for any given engagement.
Technology & Tools :
- Web Service,MySql,KafkaNetstorm,Net Diagnostics,PostMan.
Mosaic Re architecture for account domain was extended feature provided in October 2018 on kohls.com to reduce and eliminate licensing expenses from proprietary software.Design and develop User Interface for account management using new open source technologies and Third-Party services related to Loyalty, Wallet to support all channels.Build services for user account management and session management.
Role & Responsibility :
- To understand the changes and impact on the application after moving to google cloud from ATG platform and also ensure that all the User Profiles are migrated from ATG to the new platform.
Technology & Tools :
- Node Js,MySql,Kafka,Netstorm,Net Diagnostics,PostMan.
Two experiments were conducted under [Search & Browse]to investigate product finding behavior on e-commerce Web sites, focusing on the use of product menus or site search functions to locate products.
Role & Responsibility :
- Analyze User Requirements & Specifications.Worked on Test Plan & TestScenarios.
- Prepared Test Strategies,Test Cases,Test Scripts,Test Results for Positive & Negative Scenarios & Mapped it to requirements.
- Worked on environment set up for real time monitoring like a monitor profile.
Technology & Tools :
- Node Js,MongoDB,Redis,Netstorm, Net Diagnostics,NetCloud,PostMan.
Loyalty Project was the extended feature provided in Feb 2017 on kohls.com to attract its customers more efficiently towards shopping. It simulates a third party integration tool which calculates and rewards all the Loyal customers of Kohl’s.
Experience to customer- As it is the most important transaction from a business perspective so performance was an important aspect.
Role & Responsibility :
- To understand the changes and impact on the application after the 3rd party integration & also to ensure there is no Performance degradation on application.
Technology & Tools :
- Java, J2EE, JMS and Oracle,Netstrom,Net diagnostics,Oracle mission control.
We execute RBU tests to capture the behaviour of the different browsers to capture real time performance issues, which can be faced by customers.
Role & Responsibility :
- Understanding End to End architecture of application.
- Measure and ensure that there are no Performance degradation on browsers while performing activities like search, add to bag etc.
- Involved in designing of Test Scenarios, Test Scripts & Run Logic. Running, monitoring and preparing Test reports.