About Me
I am a senior software engineer who has excellent experience in web application development with various kind of technologies. Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya where I graduated with the BSc (Eng) Computer Engineering degree having a ...
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Portfolio Projects
As the Senior Software Engineer, Mitra Innovation (Ramsay team) has being assisting Ramsay Health-care Australia from 2016 till now (2018) with their IT product journey for hospital branding and marketing initiatives with a long term view to incorporate into the hospital technology and to deliver a highly personalized, curated health care experience..{ Implemented/Extended the features related to hospitals and pharmacies campaigns, service bookings, specialist profiles, hospital/ pharmacy profiles etc. in the Ramsay admin portal.{ Integrated Ramsay admin portal to nearly 100 Ramsay hospital websites through a API to consume admin portal data in hospital websites.{ Introduced google chats in Ramsay hospital websites to show quality indexes in Ramsay hospitals with compared to global standard.{ Implemented MS Power BI report to get insight of specialist search which is possible to categorize in to hospital level, specialty level, region level and time level.{ Introduced online shopping site to Ramsay pharmacies on top of Sitecore CMS and Ucommerce plugin
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MitraInnovation(Ramsayteam)hasbeingassisting RamsayHealth-careAustraliafrom2016tillnow(2018)withtheirITproductjourneyfor hospital branding and marketing initiatives with a long term view to incorporate into the hospital technology and to deliver a highly personalized, curated health care experience
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BonafideSoftwareisaCloudbasedtoolthatdeliversdocumentationandcommunicationtotargetedaudienceswithasimpletrafficlightidentifier. Our tool allows management to see who has read or signed which item in the system, both for current and historical items, with a strict audit trail
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