About Me
Im a qualified flutter developer with over two years of experience in this field. Im seeking a career to develop my experiences as a developer and contribute to the growth of company I work with and attach value to myself professionally....
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Portfolio Projects
Ability to print orders via built in printer phones.
Ability to print previous orders.
Ability to show daily orders and get summation of orders and print them.
Ability to add favorite items.
Search system
Ability to modify personal information like password, phone number.
Shows products of store.
Has special products to be shown in home page.
Has ability to order products.
Orders can be delivered or received on store.
Orders can be scheduled on specific time.
Pay with cash only as client request but pay online is also available.
Ability to see previous orders.
Login & Register system.
Coupon codes system (add,edit delete with percent)
Tax is available when needed.
Ability to activate specific drivers when registered.
Ability to block & activate specific users
Ability to open & close store to receive orders or not.
Ability to make store busy or available to receive orders or not.
Ability to add & edit & delete categories & products with images, price, sale price, name, description, availability, is special.
Ability to activate or deactivate delivery option.
Order received in casher application with 30 sec notification
Ability to confirm or cancel order via home screen of casher app
Ads system with password (admob - starup).
Notification system to driver when order is submitted
Driver can confirm the order and cancel it after that if needed for any reason.
Location system for user and driver.
The app stores data of products & images externally at backend server using php.
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This app shows fashion products.
The app stores data of products & images externally at Firebase fire store & Firebase Storage.
It also uses room to cache data locally.
It also syncs data between firebase & cache to get last updated products.
It’s designed to be an admin app (add/edit/delete products & push notifications about sales ...etc) and to be a user-friendly app (get updates about products & order)
It has favorite list for liked products.
The home page shows products images and their colors & prices
The detail page shows all information about product (price – sale price – available of product – sizes – images – colors – sizes with length& weight)
It has ability to order products & get confirmed when Admin confirms the order with history of old orders.
It has a notification system that inform the user about new sales or new products.
It has an accounting system for admin to calculate his profits & losses & orders per week/month/year.
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Ability to print orders via built in printer phones.
Ability to print previous orders.
Ability to show daily orders and get summation of orders and print them.
Shows products of store.
Has special products to be shown in home page.
Has ability to order products.
Orders can be delivered or received on store.
Orders can be scheduled on specific time.
Pay with cash only as client request but pay online is also available.
Ability to see previous orders.
Login & Register system.
Coupon codes system (add,edit delete with percent)
Tax is available when needed.
Ability to activate specific drivers when registered.
Ability to block & activate specific users
Ability to open & close store to receive orders or not.
Ability to make store busy or available to receive orders or not.
Ability to add & edit & delete categories & products with images, price, sale price, name, description, availability, is special.
Ability to activate or deactivate delivery option.
Order received in casher application with 30 sec notification
Ability to confirm or cancel order via home screen of casher app
Ads system with password (admob - starup).
Notification system to driver when order is submitted
Driver can confirm the order and cancel it after that if needed for any reason.
Location system for user and driver.
The app stores data of products & images externally at backend server using php.
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La Perle Store (Admin – User)Used: Flutter 2.8.1 – Firestore – Getx – Animations - mvvm- This app shows fashion products.- The app stores data of products & images externally atFirebase fire store & Firebase Storage.- It also uses room to cache data locally.- It also syncs data between firebase & cache to get lastupdated products.- Its designed to be an admin app (add/edit/delete products &push notifications about sales ...etc) and to be a user-friendly app(get updates about products & order)- It has favorite list for liked products.- The home page shows products images and their colors & prices- The detail page shows all information about product (price –sale price – available of product – sizes – images – colors – sizeswith length& weight)- It has ability to order products & get confirmed when Adminconfirms the order with history of old orders.- It has a notification system that inform the user about new salesor new products.- It has an accounting system for admin to calculate his profits &losses & orders per week/month/year.
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Ecommerce for food restaurantUsed: flutter 2.8 – PHP - Getx – Providers - mvvm- Ability to print orders via built in printer phones.- Ability to print previous orders.- Ability to show daily orders and get summation of orders andprint them.- Ability to add favorite items.- Search system- Ability to modify personal information like password, phonenumber.- Shows products of store.- Has special products to be shown in home page.- Has ability to order products.- Orders can be delivered or received on store.- Orders can be scheduled on specific time.- Pay with cash only as client request but pay online is alsoavailable.- Ability to see previous orders.- Login & Register system.- Coupon codes system (add,edit delete with percent)- Tax is available when needed.- Ability to activate specific drivers when registered.- Ability to block & activate specific users- Ability to open & close store to receive orders or not.- Ability to make store busy or available to receive orders or not.- Ability to add & edit & delete categories & products withimages, price, sale price, name, description, availability, isspecial.- Ability to activate or deactivate delivery option.- Order received in casher application with 30 sec notification- Ability to confirm or cancel order via home screen of casherapp- Ads system with password (admob - starup).- Notification system to driver when order is submitted- Driver can confirm the order and cancel it after that if neededfor any reason.- Location system for user and driver.The app stores data of products & images externally atbackend server using php.
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Ecommerce for desserts storeUsed: flutter 2.8 – PHP Getx – Providers - mvvm- Ability to print orders via built in printer phones.- Ability to print previous orders.- Ability to show daily orders and get summation of orders andprint them.- Shows products of store.- Has special products to be shown in home page.- Has ability to order products.- Orders can be delivered or received on store.- Orders can be scheduled on specific time.- Pay with cash only as client request but pay online is alsoavailable.- Ability to see previous orders.- Login & Register system.- Coupon codes system (add,edit delete with percent)- Tax is available when needed.- Ability to activate specific drivers when registered.- Ability to block & activate specific users- Ability to open & close store to receive orders or not.- Ability to make store busy or available to receive orders or not.- Ability to add & edit & delete categories & products withimages, price, sale price, name, description, availability, isspecial.- Ability to activate or deactivate delivery option.- Order received in casher application with 30 sec notification- Ability to confirm or cancel order via home screen of casherapp- Ads system with password (admob - starup).- Notification system to driver when order is submitted- Driver can confirm the order and cancel it after that if neededfor any reason.- Location system for user and driver.The app stores data of products & images externally atbackend server using php.
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La Perle Store(Admin – User)Used: Coroutines & Flows – Firestore – Firebase Storage – Room Persistence(Cache) – MVI - MVVM - Dagger Hilt – View binding - StateFlow – ListAdapter (AsyncDiffUtil) – Paging – Navigation componentThis app shows fashion clothing products.The app stores data of products & images externally at Firebase firestore & Firebase Storage.It also uses room to cache data locally.It also syncs data between firebase & cache to get last updatedproducts.Its designed to be an admin app (add/edit/delete products &push notifications about sales ...etc) and to be a user-friendly app(get updates about products & order)It has favorite list for liked products.The home page shows products images and their colors & pricesThe detail page shows all information about product (price – saleprice – available of product – sizes – images – colors – sizes withlength& weight)It has ability to order products & get confirmed when Adminconfirms the order with history of old orders.It has a notification system that inform the user about new sales ornew products.It has an accounting system for admin to calculate his profits &losses & orders per week/month/year.
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Used: Coroutines & Flows – Retrofit – MVVM - Dagger Hilt – View binding –Paging – LiveData – LoadState – Navigation Component – Unsplash ApiIts a simple app that uses Unsplash photo api to get photos bytheir engine and show them on recycler view in a great view.When you search on something, it gets all the photos about thesearched work & the Photographer who took it or the designer whodesigned it.When clicking the image it opens a detailed screen with allinformation about the photo.
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Used: RXJava – Retrofit – MVVM - Dagger Hilt – View binding – LiveData -RoomIts a very simple app that uses an api to get images about famousPokémon and their names.When swipe the image(View) to the right, its get saved in thecache as a favoriteYou can see your favorite images in specific view, also whenswiping to the right, its get removed from the favorites(cache).
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Victoria Store ApplicationThis is a store app that the manager (Admin) could add/edit deletehis products with as many as photos he wants.Each product has its own title, category, description, price,discount price & stock.Also, each item could have many colors so each one also has itsown title, category, description, price, discount price & stock.It has a filter to search for specific products.It has a notification system to notify customers about new products,sales, also you can edit/ delete them even if the application isclosed.Clients can order products from the application to reach theadmin by notification with details about the order & the customer.Admin can confirm or reject the order, confirmation sent to thecustomer via app & email.It uses firestore cloud as a backend server for storing data.It uses room database as a local database for sync & store data inorder not to download same data on every opening whichconsumes internet bandwidth & battery.It has a register & login system with option to reset password &verify phone number.
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This app is for sending & receiving users complaints.It uses backendless cloud as a backend server for storing data, alsonotifications pops up when receiving new complaints or replys.User can add complaint (with/out) an image and send it to admin& wait for replyWhen admin receives the complaint, he sends reply (with/outimage)User receives the reply and if its done he press the ok button tomake admin know its done or he can send another reply of hiscomplaint.Completed complaints are saved in separate list.
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