P.MaryPradeepthi T.

P.MaryPradeepthi T.

Seeking a position to utilize my skills and abilities in the Information Technology Industry that offers professional growth while being resourceful, innovative and flexible.

Hyderabad , India

Experience: 2 Years


Hyderabad , India

Seeking a position to utilize my skills and abilities in the Information Technology Industry that offers professional growth while being resourceful, innovative and flexible.

4003.68 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

2 Years

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Portfolio Projects


To develop the Webapplication for any bank ,the customer of the bank should be able to access their account detail and transfer funds to other account of same bank.here we have entities1.Customer Entity2.Account Entity3.Fund Transfer EntityHere we created customer class,account class,fund transfer class.Created spring configuration file by usingCreated the test been wiring classAtlast tested the bean which we created.

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We present Consistent Objet sharing for Edge services is called Quiver, a system that coordinates service proxies placed at theedge of the Internet to serve distributed clients accessing a service involving mutable objects. Quiver enables these proxies to perform consistent accesses to shared objectsApplications:Quiver to build an e-commerce application.Distributed network traffic modeling service

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This Web Application provides facility to conduct online examination world wide.It saves time as it allows number of students to givethe exam at a time anddisplays the results as the test gets over, so no need to wait for the result. It isautomatically generated by the serverAdministrator has a privilege to create, modify and delete the test papers and itsParticular questions.User can register, login and give the test with his specific id, and can see theresults as well.

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quiver we used here

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