About Me
With 6.8 years live experience in SAP SD; I am currently working as SAP SD/S4 HANA support Consulting profile(Core Team Member) in Titagarh Wagons Limited, India....
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Go live Responsibilities: Go live Responsibilities: Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilitie
DurationDuration DurationDuration : : : JuneJune June. 2018 - Till dateTill dateTill dateTill dateTill dateTill dateTill date Till date
Titagarh Wagons Titagarh Wagons Titagarh Wagons Titagarh Wagons Titagarh Wagons Titagarh Wagons Titagarh Wagons Titagarh Wagons Titagarh Wagons Limited has Limited hasLimited hasLimited has Limited has taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement taken initiative to implement SAP S/4 HANA SAP S/4 HANASAP S/4 HANA SAP S/4 HANA SAP S/4 HANASAP S/4 HANASAP S/4 HANA for their entire for their entire for their entire for their entire for their entire for their entire for their entire for their entire for their entire for their entire for their entire IndianIndian Indian business business business business business scenario. As scenario. As scenario. Asscenario. Asscenario. As scenario. Asscenario. As per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2 -TWL TWL TWL and CIMMCO,CIMMCO, CIMMCO, CIMMCO, based basedbased on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by on their business process by project preparation project preparation project preparation project preparationproject preparation project preparation project preparation project preparationproject preparation stage with stage with stage with stage with advised advisedadvised advised by by SAP SAP service provider service provider service provider service provider service provider service provider service provider service provider service provider service provider service provider team, theyteam, they team, theyteam, they team, they have have have decided to implement 8 modules decided to implement 8 modulesdecided to implement 8 modulesdecided to implement 8 modules decided to implement 8 modulesdecided to implement 8 modules decided to implement 8 modulesdecided to implement 8 modules decided to implement 8 modules decided to implement 8 modules decided to implement 8 modules decided to implement 8 modules decided to implement 8 modules -PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO.PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO.PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO.PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO.PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO.PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO.PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO.PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO.PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO.PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. My joining My joining My joining My joining My joining My joining My joining My joining involvementinvolvement involvement involvementinvolvement involvement has has started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from started along with this Organization from Post BBP Post BBP Post BBP Post BBP Post BBP Post BBP Post BBP Post BBP stage stagestagestage. Since Since SIT (system system system system integration testingintegration testing integration testing integration testingintegration testing integration testingintegration testing integration testingintegration testing integration testingintegration testingintegration testing ) onwards I have ) onwards I have ) onwards I have ) onwards I have ) onwards I have ) onwards I have ) onwards I have involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of involved in this project on behalf of Titagarh WagoTitagarh WagoTitagarh WagoTitagarh WagoTitagarh Wago Titagarh WagoTitagarh WagoTitagarh Wago ns.ns. 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• I engaged the I engaged the I engaged the I engaged the I engaged the I engaged the team team team team implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, implementing S/4 HANA for entire Indian Business of Titagarh Wagons Ltd, from from from from realization realization realization realization realization realization realization realization phase.phase. phase.
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• Involvement of Involvement of Involvement of Involvement of Involvement of Involvement of Involvement of Involvement of Involvement of Involvement of UAT UAT UAT UAT phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to phase and post UAT internal training process to end -user; user; user; engagement to prepare engagement to prepare engagement to prepare engagement to prepare engagement to prepare engagement to prepare engagement to prepare engagement to prepare engagement to prepare engagement to prepare engagement to prepare manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module.manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module. manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module.manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module. manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module. manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module.manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module.manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module.manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module. manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module. manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module. manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module.manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module.manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module. manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module. manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module. manual documentation of SAP SD and PS module.
• Engaged in arrangement of Engaged in arrangement of Engaged in arrangement of Engaged in arrangement of Engaged in arrangement of Engaged in arrangement of Engaged in arrangement of Engaged in arrangement of Engaged in arrangement of Engaged in arrangement of CutCut -over over datadata data of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. of SD,MM and PS prospect, i.e. Open sales orderOpen sales orderOpen sales order Open sales order Open sales orderOpen sales order Open sales orderOpen sales order , OpenOpen Purchase OrderPurchase Order Purchase Order Purchase Order Purchase OrderPurchase OrderPurchase Order Purchase Order , arrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on division arrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on divisionarrange existing project name based on division and and mapped to respective open mapped to respective open mapped to respective open mapped to respective open mapped to respective open mapped to respective open mapped to respective open mapped to respective open mapped to respective open mapped to respective open mapped to respective open orders both sales and purchase. orders both sales and purchase.orders both sales and purchase. orders both sales and purchase. orders both sales and purchase. orders both sales and purchase. orders both sales and purchase. orders both sales and purchase.orders both sales and purchase. orders both sales and purchase.
PostPost Post Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities: Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities: Go live Responsibilities: Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities:Go live Responsibilities: Go live Responsibilities:
• Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds Maintenance of different kinds master record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, like master record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, like master record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, like master record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, like master record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, like master record to S/4 HANA, like master record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, like master record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, likemaster record to S/4 HANA, like-material, Bankmaterial, Bank material, Bank material, Bankmaterial, Bank material, Bank material, Bankmaterial, Bank mastermaster mastermaster .
• Business partner Business partner Business partner Business partner Business partner Business partner Business partner Business partner maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect.maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect.maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect.maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect.maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect.maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect. maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect.maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect.maintenance in both customer and vendor prospect.
• Data upload through Data upload through Data upload through Data upload through Data upload through Data upload through Data upload through Data upload through Data upload through Data upload through LTMC LTMC LTMC LTMC LTMC migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA. migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA. migration cockpit of S/4 HANA. migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA. migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA. migration cockpit of S/4 HANA. migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA. migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration cockpit of S/4 HANA.migration.
Titagarh Wagons Limited has taken initiative to implement SAP S/4 HANA for their entire Indian business scenario. As per Organizational structure wise their operative concern would be 2-TWL and CIMMCO, based on their business process by project preparation stage with advised by SAP service provider team, they have decided to implement 8 modules-PS,SD,MM,PP,QM,PM,HCM and FICO. My joining involvement has started along with this Organization from Post BBP stage. Since SIT (system integration testing) onwards I have involved in this project on behalf of Titagarh Wagons.
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- Involve in GST modification project as in-house support team of Dalmia.
- Prepare various kind of LSMW as per requirement along with end user format to spread sheet.
· Provide quick solution of user level issues, regarding various kinds of condition value. Like, pricing is not flowing in contract, route not fetching, tax error etc.
Maintain customer hygiene report month wise based on different documentation as per company’s SOP.
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- Analyze errors & prepare end-user documents related to sales order, delivery and billing.
- Extend Excise related configuration from Monotona to Devamata Commercials, like-Excise Registration, company code setting, plant settings, excise group, series group, Excise conditions maintenance etc.
- Besides SD, worked on MM Procurement and inventory related issues to the end user.
- Provide end to end SAP functional training to new entrant.
Analyze errors & prepare end-user documents related to sales order, delivery and billing. Extend Excise related configuration from Monotona to Devamata Commercials, like-Excise Registration, company code setting, plant settings, excise group, series group, Excise conditions maintenance etc. Besides SD, worked on MM Procurement and inventory related issues to the end user. Provide end to end SAP functional training to new entrant.
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Maintain day to day entry related solutions of SAP SD O2C cycle. Checking all existing entries-tax code, Inco terms & other important parameters are properly maintained. Maintain Order to billing cancellation and reverse PGI process, for wrong entries, as per requirement.
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